Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Actually you made me go and double check. It isn’t 220 its 240v. Same as a washing machine I believe. We have a fuse box in the garage so it wasn’t a big deal to hook it up. Below is what Tesla say on there site for the various charging rates. We have the 6-50 which I believe is what was recommended although price wise they are all much of a muchness). In all honesty we’ve never had an issue in the 2 + years we’ve had it.

Longest journey we did was probably Boston (around 320 miles return journey.) We only charged it once on the road. Most of the time it gets charged overnight once a week when it gets to around 100 mile range.

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 12.22.08 PM

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After my post I went looking for this. Could really use one centralized data source, but at least found some. Definitely not a great selection so far.

Would be really great if we could get our shit together and start standardizing things that everyone has to use.

What does “likely” mean lol


The word “likely” does not appear in the story. Story seems to be totally speculative.


I suppose i am becoming a nihilist , but if no republicans will vote to raise debt ceiling, let it burn.

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they are going back to the days of treasury printing money, via the mechanism of buying an equal amount of gov’t debt, and then forgiving that debt. printing money is still practiced in some places around the world, although not in advanced economies where only a central bank can issue new money. in the global sense, $1T doesn’t dilute the value of the dollar by enough to cause a ripple effect, and probably wouldn’t even be noticeable unless it became public. however, it does create a precedent where a political party in power can singlehandedly bypass the entire financial system in existence since hamilton.

So basically, it will become dangerous when foxnews creates a crisis of inflation, the gop will use it to seize power, and it will cause another financial crash in the future when trmp 2.0 prints a gajillion dollar coin.

in short, it would be dumb for the dems to issue the coin, when they could just go ahead without the gop senators.

Doing it for the debt ceiling and then not doing it for voting rights is so goddamn dumb.

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I mean they won’t do it for the debt ceiling either. I think almost all of them were for doing it for voting rights but manchin and cinema were not on board.

Its possible they’re trying to do it for the debt ceiling to make it easier to do for voting rights.

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A lot of you are thinking about EV charging from the wrong frame of reference. You are seeing EV charging as being analogous to ICE refueling. A vast majority of EV charging is done at home. Plug in overnight and wake up with a full “tank” every single day. If you drive less than 300 miles a day that will suffice. You don’t need EV charging stations on every corner and at every highway exit. You can also top off at a lot of grocery stores, shopping malls, etc while you go about your errands. will show you all of the chargers near you. There’s probably already a good bit more than you realize.

A good use of infrastructure funds with the goal of speeding up EV adoption would be in getting chargers to non homeowner residences like condos and apartment complexes as well as workplaces.

Maybe an EV-centric thread would be of some interest here? Anyone other than @Superleeds currently drive one as their main car? I have an order in for a Tesla Model Y that I’ll hopefully get in March. Have done endless amounts of research and still spend about half my waking hours reading more. I can’t wait to never go to a gas station again. The EV incentives are definitely of interest to me, but my faith in the Dems doing anything that good is pretty damn slim.




I think I’d rather it get tied to infrastructure reconciliation. A special rule bypassing the filibuster for the debt limit doesn’t get us any closer to them doing it for voting rights imo.

  1. I don’t think we’re actually all that close to voting rights, or that we’re a favorite to get them at all.
  2. That said, anything that gets this bullshit through so that we can then work on something else, like voting rights, gets us closer to voting rights.
  3. Once you’ve made an exception to the filibuster for one thing, it’s easier to make an exception for the next thing.

Oh no! Damage to this fine, well oiled institution. That would be a shame.


Maybe don’t frame your own saving the country from economic devastation because of your obstinate opponents as “damage to the institution”.


Manchin doesnt seem on board with the filibuster carveout. Does sound like some sort of alternative getting cooked up, like a short term extension to give Dems time to do a clean debt ceiling reconciliation bill. If McConnell will do that theres no real threat of default, this will just be in the news for awhile and used to attempt to hammer Dems politically

I think skydiver and bobman drive teslas

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