Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

They tried to come at Illhan in the 2020 primary and she won pretty easily.

LOL complaining about “pay fors” while nuking prescription drug price negotiation which saves like $700 billion over a decade.


I mean they wrecked Nina Turner. I have no doubt even if they don’t primary they would be happy to take the movement down a peg by having the party and media shitting on them for preventing roads and bridges.

Shitlibs absolutely hate progressives.

Winery time?

It’s wine o’clock!

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How quickly can you get to DC, get yourself in a kayak, and ask him about this?

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Yeah Illhan gets a ton of flack, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a very high unfavorable rating. All of the libertarian types and shitlibs I know around here can’t stand her.

Pelosi supported her so ?


haven’t been paying attention but assuming USPS funding is going into one of these bills? the stage is already being set for '22 and '24 elections

Awesome. One of the parts of government that works really well and has for a billion years is getting shredded to get thrown into the “Government can’t do anything!” bucket.

Why does DeJoy still have a job?


Nothing, absolutely nothing, more perfectly captures how big of fucking losers Democrats are than Louis DeJoy still having his job.


The question is, why do any of these fucks still have jobs? And the answer is


Losing to Trump? Almost twice.

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Whored ape yacht club?

fun brainteaser, is it possible to sail your houseboat the whole way from charleston, wv to the potomac?

Obviously he trucked it in while rolling clean coal the whole way.

Just an amazing dystopian headline


I’m not sure but would have to guess no. Only chance seems like taking the Kanawha north to the Ohio but dunno if that’s possible and it leads to Pittsburgh. From there I have no clue if any of those rivers connect to Potomac but I’d bet against because having to fade falls / rapids again. South of Charleston is where people go for whitewater rafting. We can only hope he’d try to go that way.

“We cannot let this small faction on the far left … destroy the president’s agenda and stop the creation of 2 million jobs a year,” Gottheimer said in a statement.

Uh, Josh, I’m pretty sure you’re the smaller faction that’s holding everything up, almost all the Democrats want to pass both bills. And the reconciliation bill is the president’s agenda. Doublespeak.