Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

You can’t have 100% public funding for elections because you’d have to ban independent expenditures. When SCOTUS rules that unconstitutional, I’ll probably agree with them.

I know thats why I said dem primaries. Nancy and other dems have gone pretty hard at preventing progressives getting in office. I’m pretty sure they already tried to primary AOC before.

Not only do the shitlibs wants them out I’m sure their donors do too.

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Well that means Manchin didn’t cut a deal with the Republicans. One less thing to worry about.

AOC waffle crushed that primary challenger though. They need to redraw her district to get rid of her at this point… and that could easily backfire.

She’s a fantastic candidate that wins elections by way more than she should even with the makeup of her district. It’s easy to tell yourself that someone like Chuck would beat her in a primary easily, but that’s undervaluing the fact that she is a truly gifted political candidate. She can start at a disadvantage and win anyway. The more normal people are in contact with her the more they seem to like her.

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Sure AOC is locked in but others might not be. I mean can you think of any other reason for Nancy to hold the vote when she knows it’s 100% to fail?

One thing I’m sure of is that we do not know what is going on right now. It’s very obviously a street fight in a back alley with rules we don’t know, at least a half a dozen undefined variables (we don’t know how many lol), or how to weigh the things we do know.

I’m an atheist so I can’t take the easy way out here and pray. All I can do is watch in horror. So much for my no rubber necking plan. Of course my biggest customer would have their whole plant out of commission so I can’t even bury my head in work.

The press clearly have no fucking idea what is going on though. They know less than us it seems like. Fucking failson and daughter dumbasses one and all.


Yarmuth was on MSNBC earlier in a live, sort of candid bit and his first claim was that he had just taken a call with Prog Caucus and that they were even more resolved to not pass it. Then it seemed like he was shitting all over Mansion and Cinema without actually saying it.

Intro to O’Donnell (he sucks) show was weird. It was that usual lead-in with Rachel but they went back and forth for a good 10 minutes with Rachel basically saying McMansion is full of shit and his word salad demands are nonsense that don’t add up to 1.5T. Pretty well-articulated takedown of this lying POS.

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Lisa D. showed up on the NewsHour tonight sporting this new look. She claims it was a car door, but I think she probably asked Joe Manchin one too many impertinent questions.



I realize you are not an O’Donnell fan but his understanding of the inside baseball/backroom negotiations stuff can be enlightening. His time working with Moynihan pays off for the viewer during these times when many in the press are clueless.

Pressley is locked in Boston regardless of the redistrict too

Can’t comment on the others. And obviously there’s a half dozen or so in the Senate you can’t do anything about (Warren, Bernie, Markey, etc.)


He’s just a total psycho who treats everyone like shit is what I don’t like.

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Its like something youd see on fucking Veep. Jfc I hate this country

Wait but means testing just punishes people are working, bro!

Manchin is enough of a not-Republican that I don’t think a GOP deal is likely. He is a deficit hawk who absolutely believes that taxes need to be raised, just not too much. Republicans are never going along with a tax hike.

As always, giving money to working people is unacceptable, but giving money to the rich and well-connected who don’t actually work is just fine.


At least some speculation on what Sinema might accept. 25% cap gains rate and 24% corporate rate not gonna go together great with Manchins pay for asks.

I haven’t been able to make it through this whole video yet because I honestly just cannot believe that it exists.


On one hand, a pretty dystopian scene of this guy hanging out the back of his yacht to discuss taxing the rich with the kayaking peasants.

On the other hand, he’s actually engaging with constituents who are there primarily to give him shit. More than can be said for the woman from Arizona, and frankly, most Senators.

Regarding “I agree 1000%” on standing up to big pharma, big Ron Burgundy “I don’t believe you” feels.