Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

I’m guessing that the Dem primary voters in NY state are heavy establishment supporters and there wouldn’t be a broad enough group of AOC friendly to overwhelm them.

Yup, Democrats in NY are more blue collar, moderate voters than you’d think.

Lol dude originally said like 5 trillion. Most full of shit person I’ve ever seen


[spoiler]teh government is funded through early December![/spoiler]

just tell this guy to go fuck himself

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After you arrest his daughter

And kick him in the dick


Tell me more about how Manchin is so much better than a Republican


Douse it all in kerosene and unleash Beef Supreme.

Shutdown averted!

On this particular issue, polling probably has Manchin on the side of the majority of Americans.

Wow what an accomplishment! BUILD BACK BETTER!

Think schumer wins too but aoc would probably hope she didn’t win but run anyway because it’d get massive national attention.

Yeah, but the problem isnt even neccesarily the politicoans. Its the system that allows for and grants the ability for those politicians to be bought. How do we prevent wealthy donors from having the ability to run the country? No such thing as wealthy donors.

only way would be by random lottery and my god you don’t want that

100% publicly funded and run elections would help.

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AOC would win like 25% of the vote, Schumer would crush her

I have no idea what Nancy is doing, she’s apparently going to let it get voted down tonight.

Pretty obvious imo. Dems can now use progressives no votes against them in dem primaries. Both bills will tank and everyone will blame progressives.

Rack another one in the win column for people who say they aren’t incompetent, they’re in on it.

This explanation doesn’t hold up. The progressives are in the safest, most liberal districts imaginable.