Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Dems not delivering isn’t as exclusive as we like to imagine either, because despite racist hillbillies giving zero fucks about tax cuts, that’s the one thing they are predictably and routinely delivered like clockwork. On some other message board right now someone is making that point: “I voted for genocide but all I got was this $20 tax cut.”

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Yeah republicans don’t deliver on shit besides owning the libs. That’s all republicans care about though.

The big problem is Dems need to deliver so people see material difference between the parties so we can turn out people who aren’t reliable voters to overcome all the electoral disadvantages. Republicans don’t.

I mean delivering on shit is only half the battle. Democrats need people in charge who know how to carry that message. Even after the relief bill a ton of people I know we’re saying both parties are the same. Infrastructure bill won’t be any different. The media sucks but half the problem is Dems don’t give them shit to work with.

They need to deliver and negative partisanship.

Mostly they need to get rid of their dinosaur leadership

The outcome here is tax rates are going to keep being cut and welfare spending probably isn’t going to be cut so the US is going to be deficit spending until the stalemate is broken.

Having an activist judiciary is great in this circumstances because the Supreme Court can take away regulation from the executive branch and give it to the legislative branch (founders wanted democracy!) knowing the stalemate means nothing is going to happen and keep their prerogatives and even take on more prerogatives to become a quazi legislative branch because it’s the only branch that things can easily get done in.

The thing about the stalemate is that it is already at a point where it could all collapse because of it.

I work in logistics and I am telling you now that things are not OK. One of my biggest customers has had a line that produces parts for every single thing they ship down for 2-3 weeks at this point, and they are praying that they’ll have it back online Monday. That’s a factory that employs hundreds of people in the midwest. My car got hit in a relatively minor accident in a parking lot 6 weeks ago… the body shop has been waiting on a headlamp and a bumper for 3 weeks now. Rental cars are hard to come by and my local Schlotzky’s Deli has been out of roast beef both times I visited in the last 6 weeks.

Things are not OK out there. The status quo did this. They setup every supply chain in the world to be a cost optimized international noodle with absolutely no viable backup plan if anything went wrong and then they botched a pandemic about as bad as it could be botched. Our biggest trading partner that isn’t an economic extension of us (sorry Canada/Mexico) is in an economic war with us that we have handled about as poorly as it could be handled.

And that’s all besides the 700k people who died of COVID. What we’re seeing here is a biblical escalation situation akin to the seven plagues of Egypt. Until the oligarchs get their shit together and start making moves to address the various issues that are growing exponentially as I sit here typing this things will continue to get worse at an ever increasing speed until it all hits a fan and it all collapses like that Florida condominium or the USSR.

I’ve been reading up about the late stages of the USSR a lot lately actually. I think we’re all experiencing the same kind of hyper normalization that people had in that situation. On the one hand we, and everyone we know, have been living in this extended propaganda universe our entire lives, but on the other hand it’s becoming increasingly impossible to square that universe with our lived reality… and this is totally normalized.

I think reality is like water. You can do a lot to keep it at bay, but give it enough time and enough volume and there’s actually nothing a human institution can do to prevent it from doing what it wants. We’re in the third or fourth year of the first course of the climate change experience. So far we have a pandemic, a fuck ton of refugees (the flow of brown people from warm places is going to increase exponentially every year from now on no matter what now), and a bunch of natural disasters. It’s not going to be another hundred years before the next major pandemic, and the refugees and disasters are going to accelerate super quickly.

So all the US has to decide is whether we want to matter to global civilization in twenty years. We keep going this way and we’ll complete our transformation to a third world country with a Gucci belt with a swastika belt buckle.


I think this is a total non-starter. Probably 99%+ of Americans, including their political leaders, think that the US is the natural and inevitable leading nation for all of global civilization, and they believe it with the same fervor that 18th century monarchs thought they were appointed by God to rule the earth. There is absolutely no way that attitude changes in time to head off a collapse of the empire.


Or things end up fine.

Oh everyone will still pay us lip service because we have a huge nuclear arsenal and are obviously crazy. That being said the rest of the worlds oligarchs will have totally dominated and will be telling our oligarchs how things are the way our oligarchs do today.

The Chinese oligarchs are currently taking over the global financial system for instance. I’m not sure when we’ll lose the reserve currency but right now I think it’s at most 5-10 years out.


They are not trying to deliver and are not going to deliver anything other than huge gifts to donors. It is one of the most obvious and predictable things that exists. The other stuff is carrot-on-a-stick, bread-crumb-trail cartoon shit.

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I’m not convinced delivering is enough. It has to be combined with relentless, simple messaging. They obviously suck at both.

Yeah USA tax cuts are more predictable than like measurement of gravitational constants and that kind of stuff.


It’s the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives -

Conservatives: government is the problem and the less of it the better
Liberals: government can be used to make people’s lives better

All conservatives need to do is sabotage the workings of the government and they have achieved their goal.

Liberals, unfortunately, have to pass shit to improve lives. The deck has always been stacked against them. It’s a lot easier to demolish a building than it is to build it.


If a good messenger emerges (e.g., AOC) the establishment protocol is to shoot that messenger. It’s a lot like The Matrix where everything may seem normal to casual observers, but as soon as some generational talent does the wall hack and escapes the render geometry, motherfuckers start coming out of crevices by the thousands to beat them down. Until more people realize that all of the calls are coming from inside the house this thing is going nowhere. I fully expect the next Westworld decoy model to be Mayor Pete the Sensible Progressive® who fills the growing market demand for non-scary, FDA-approved progressivism AKA more corporate giveaways.


I don’t think that’s true of today’s conservatives. They want the government to do a lot. Oppress their enemies, keep out illegals, and a lot even want social welfare for whites

If you look at conservatives they all wanted the 2k fro. Trump. They would love universal health care for themselves only.

It’s no longer your dad’s republican party. Republican populism wants shit now. That said their main thing is still in being anti liberal

If liberals try to pass Medicare for all they’re against it. If trump tries to pass trumps universal healthcare that’s means tested to prevent most poor black people and latins they would fucking love it

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LMAO “fed ends QE” the most hilarious part of that demand list.

BBB is stone dead if that list is Manchins ask.

Donations don’t do shit for winning elections anymore. All you have to do is look at how much was lit on fire for various democrats to get blown out by worse than the polls suggested after they spent far more money than their opponent.

basically you’re hoping to get enough money to remind your own voters there’s an election and then anything else doesn’t mean anything.

Your point is valid as they still raise funds with annoying DONATE NOW OR YOU ARE DOOMED DOOMED I SAY headlines and it’s shady as shit but in terms of winning that’s pretty much gone now.

I don’t believe you.

uh to what? The only real answer is the euro but those markets have been shit for years right? S&P goes up and up because of 401(k) and many other reasons that no other market has afaik. And it will obv never be the yuan.

Progressives should demand Schumer resign his leadership post in order to ever consider the bipartisan bill again. Look at that fucking list vs. what progressives were told they were agreeing to.