Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Third parties have failed for two major reasons: people have liked Dems up to now, and people have correctly believed 3rd party was a throwaway vote. But if a critical mass of voters starts to hate Dems enough, maybe a large grassroots campaign can get people to believe that other people will also vote for the new party.

It might be too late / too slow, because there would perhaps be a transition election where the new party and the Dems each get around 25% of the vote, handing everything to the Nazi party in a giftbasket (but then again, Dems are gonna lose even without the help of a third party). Maybe the election after that is when Dems would be pushed to fringe 3rd-party status and the new party could actually win. And then maybe the Dems just fuck off for good and weā€™re back to a two-party system, but one where the two parties arenā€™t playing for the same team, one where you can vote in the better party with full confidence that they wonā€™t throw refugees into gitmo.

Theoretically thereā€™s not a big difference between that and just voting in a bunch of progs to the Democratic party, but the party itself is corrupt and, more importantly, the Dem brand is tainted. With all the gerrymandering and fuckery, weā€™re gonna need to win over red voters, and the (D) next to a candidateā€™s name is a non-starter for them. A new brand and real things to offer to working people might win over the kind of crowd who, in Florida, voted for a $15/hr wage but also for Trump.


These people only want socialism for white people. You canā€™t really win them over with progressive policy. They will accept a progressive policy only if it comes with structural barriers that prevent non-whites from accessing it. A sort of, uh, Nationalist Socialism. Thats not really what progressives are going for.

I mean they hate progressives more than they hate shitlibs for the most part. Right wing media is super effective and melting their brains and getting them to hate anything that threatens rich people. Weā€™re never winning them over to the cause of good.

Itā€™s already a 3 party system just one of the parties is carefully curated apathy.

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Yup. I do not believe them anymore. Itā€™s impossible to see, for instance, immigration news, and not feel I was straight lied to.


I think the simplest way to view the overall problem is that the billionaire class owns most of the media and most of the politicians. Explain how they ever let progress happen that would threaten their wealth and status? Thatā€™s why you can organize and donate and vote and have no chance to fix anything. The system isnā€™t at risk of becoming rigged, we are already there and have been for decades.

Dems being Dems is a symptom instead of the root cause.


Thatā€™s a good point especially since its 3.5T over 10 years, so 350B per year. The annual budget is around 7T. ā€œ5% to Build Back Betterā€

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Tell me more about the apathy party. It seems super super appealing right now.

Rich people dominating society and owning politicians has been a problem since forever. Wealth concentration was every bit as bad in the early 1900s. Political corruption was rampant. Private, corporate media was a major issue. And yet.

The country has moved way left. Taxing wealthy people is now overwhelmingly popular. Gay marriage, pot, climate, housing, everything. That shift is seen in national representativesā€™ median liberalism, but thatā€™s obscured by two shitheads running the show in the US Senate.

Again, I think weā€™re fucked. But we are a lot closer than you make it seem and the country has overcome even larger obstacles before.

Maybe Iā€™m just a sweet summer child but Iā€™m not convinced weā€™d be seeing the same situation if Dems had picked up 2 Senate seats. Theyā€™re still only effectively in control of 1.5/3 branches of govt.

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Weā€™d get a real BBB and maybe a voting rights compromise, which are both important wins, but weā€™d still have the filibuster in place and come up woefully short on immigration, student loans, etc.

Whatā€™s really sad is that there are policy prescriptions that would correct Americaā€™s biggest democracy problems. American laws on donations to politicians are way too lax. The dark money in US politics is way out of control. Obviously its stupid to have election outcomes that depend on private and virtually unlimited donations. And you canā€™t really have meaningful elections with widespread misinformation. American superficial attitudes toward FREEZE PEACH and stupid slippery slope arguments is a fatal self inflicted wound.

While arguments about the necessity for this voter rights law, that GND, etc are all valid, they donā€™t get at the root causes of the failure of democracy in the US. Thatā€™s why things are/feel so hopeless. Even IF the Dem infrastructure passes, voter right legislation passes, etc., without more fundamental changes the next elections are going to be just as stupid. There are no winners in an election between white supremacists with degrees from Facebook U vs. corporate interests that just want stability with low taxes and subsidies.

So how does Europe manage it then? Iā€™m not buying the whole ā€œthis is how itā€™s always been everywhereā€ argument you seem to be making. You donā€™t think Citizens United further exacerbated it? Iā€™m not saying corruption does not exist to some extent everywhere. Iā€™m saying the level of corruption here literally prevents this country from accomplishing things that have been the norm in the rest of the first world. That isnā€™t a well itā€™s always been like that situation, itā€™s the literal problem.

Like we sit here and talk about how Manchin is owned by the coal industry like thatā€™s normal. That should not be normal.

Maybe this country has moved left on some social issues but it hadnā€™t moved left on most other issues. Also letā€™s not forget all of the progress on social issues has happened through state laws mostly, not federal laws. Marijuana is still federally illegal for example.


I would argue itā€™s moved hard right on pretty much every economic issue.


I think the public is pretty left on a lot of meat & potatoes issues, but the whole system of government is tilted to give a minority of angry Boomers disproportionate power.

It looks exactly like what it is: a fake wrestling ā€œmatchā€ with one side saddled with professional jobbers who arenā€™t trying to win and drawing dead to any meaningful victory. I could understand not realizing it back in 2008, but as Wichita said, they snatched the trifecta and super majority at one point which is completely inconceivable today. With the rigged voting, that is such a preposterous and overwhelming mandate for whatever pony mirage they were promising, and what were they able to deliver? Astronomical gifts for banks and insurance companies of course!

Alright, who hacked Rivermanā€™s account? Can we get an IP check?


Is this true? I havenā€™t been following all that closely, but JFC it feels like this is the first Iā€™m hearing it. Just a horrible messaging failure and it makes you smarter than all of them.

It reminds me of something Cory Booker said on one of the Sunday shows (paraphrasing): ā€œWhen Trumpā€™s big tax cut was on the table, that wasnā€™t a 2 trillion dollar bill. It was a 5 trillion dollar bill, 3 trillion of which was paid for, so you and everybody else called it a 2 trillion dollar bill. This 3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is fully paid for, so why arenā€™t you calling it a zero-dollar bill?ā€ GOOD QUESTION.

