Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Doesn’t work. Need to try elect Cori Bushes and AOCs and take over the Dems. Constitution is too skewed to make that happen, plus now voter suppression.
My plan is to investigate THC edibles.

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Splitting into a third party is just a way to give the republicans an even easier path to full control. Need ranked choice voting to even consider it

Cut out the middle man and just have Biden kick Manchin in the dick until he agrees to a bill.


The problem is that people think the problem is that Democrats are not sufficiently left enough.

Republicans are an ideologically compact group that nevertheless favors partisanship over ideology when the two conflict. This goes unnoticed because of the lack of variation among Republicans. Democrats are an ideologically diverse group that favors acting based on ideology rather than partisanship.

Our problem isn’t that we don’t have enough leftists in the Democratic Party (although we could certainly use more); our problem is that our moderates/centrists aren’t sufficiently loyal to the party. We lack moderates who talk about bipartisanship but lack a spine and kowtow to whoever is running the party in the same way that the (non-moderate) Lindsey Graham grovels at the feet of whoever is running the Republicans.



I can’t help but have a certain amount of admiration for Sinema’s responses there.

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Yeah that was hilarious trolling. Fuck her though

If only she used those powers for good.

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Caption contest!

Diane’s dead? Don’t tell anybody we need her vote for the BBB bill.


Accidental default because DiFi drops dead on the wrong day would be the perfect end to the American Empire


i’m almost positive newsom already has his eventual nominee on standby to dc just in case.

I’ve had some time to think about it and I think I am coming around to the idea that if we just vote, donate and mobilize a bit more we won’t fry the planet, we can provide health care to people and solve all of the other miscellaneous problems related to income inequality.



Much better to let (checks notes) Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy run the country with a 7-2 Supreme Court. That will definitely lead to libertopia. Oh and the military and police are on team fascism.

Lay out your gameplan to stop that?

ETA-Voting for and donating to Dems has worked exactly never so far.

Look, I’m super cynical. I think we’re fucked.

The case is that in a few short years we’ve gone from basically all shitlibs to like 5 or less in the senate and 20 in the House. Democrats, generally, get it, and are far more liberal than ever before. Gerrymandering actually helps in the House as these Gottheimer fuckheads get redrawn into oblivion. Unlike the past, we’re actually pretty close to a true progressive governing majority.

I put the chance of this happening, and actual good legislation passing, at less than 10%. Which is infinity better than letting the literal worst people in the entire country control everything. Surely you realize the “backlash” won’t matter with actual rigged elections and a rigged Supreme Court.


We need our own cult of personality. Jon Stewart 2024?

How did his ‘restore sanity’ campaign work out? Things don’t seem that much more sane than 2010. Liberals seem to prefer cults of no personality like Hillary or Obama.

There are far more than 25 shitlibs in congress. Most of them are the exact same people that were there a few years ago. We also already have a rigged Supreme Court and are heading towards rigged elections in many states.

I’m not going to argue with you whether or not we are better off in the short term with Joe, Chuck and Nancy than Trump. Of course we are and that isn’t my point. My point is the current iteration of the Democratic Party and the one we have had for 30+ years provides zero hope of passing meaningful good legislation to solve the myriad of serious issues we have. None. A trifecta with 60 Senators and a large House majority couldn’t do it.

So what happens is when the Republicans have power we push farther and farther to the brink. Then the Democrats get power and basically no progress is made to pull us back. Decades of this later we have what we have.

I’ve said it since we were posting on 22. The Democrats are the real problem. They stand in the way of the left ever achieving anything in this country because once you elect them they do exactly what they are doing now and what they did in 2009-2010. They have no intention of doing what they say at the election debates and on the campaign trail. None. Meanwhile the other side is actually implementing a large majority of the fascist stuff they run on.

And look I don’t have any good solutions to any of this. I’m not advocating violence. We have already seen from the George Floyd protests that mass protest is unlikely to achieve large systemic change. I’m just saying the elections won’t save us and continuing to argue that is how we get anywhere is ignoring reality. You yourself were arguing for ripping the band-aid off just a couple of days ago so I’m not really sure how you are back to telling yourself and us that if we just do all of the things that don’t work everything might be fine.