Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

washington generals comparisons aside, you must not pay attention to very many elections around the world. there is a long way to go before elections are decided without the voters will.

When the outcomes are as similar as they are here does it really matter if the elections are outright rigged or not? Not to mention we are heading towards rigged elections here at breakneck speed.

I don’t know honestly. I get the sense that the Schumer and pelosi types realize how close we are to republicans completely dominating Congress and shit going off the rails really quickly after that.

Obviously they don’t want to do real progressive shit but I do think they wanna do shit like the infrastructure deal and hr1

I feel like of we ever get something like hr1 with super easy voting and we truly kill the republican party, more progressive congress members would follow.

I really think people like Schumer are handcuffed by manchin and cinema. Even klob is pushing to nuke the filibuster.

I think there are a handful of senators who are happy they’re are out in front and they can hide behind them, but I highly doubt they’d take the bullet. Cinema is in a very purple district and her political career is basically dead now

We are a lot closer to the opposite, no?

I highly doubt even the shitlibs are happy to hand over the country to the Taylor Greene republican party

yes, it does really mater if the elections are not outright rigged. if republican donors didn’t fear that democrats would win, they wouldn’t sponsor republican legislatures to outright reverse election certifications.

Typo. Fixed

So Manchin is basically a no

lmao at “vengefully tax for the sake of wishful spending”

On the positive side: finally a politician willing to take on steelhouse’s inflation tax.

One other unrelated note: the final vote if this goes the floor tomorrow may be skewed because Rs are whipping against it BUT if the progressives vote against en masse leadership will let a bunch vote yes so they can run on voting for the popular bill.


You see that Manchin statement right above? That’s my point. The outcomes are pretty close to the same regardless of who wins the elections.


Like locusts, the deficit hawks have predictably sprung.


Sounds like he’s a yes vote if they don’t raise the debt ceiling and we go into recession. Looks like the path is clear.

Put that losers criminal scumbag daughter in jail please for the love of god


I know it’s probably not the right way forward to light it all on fire, but it’s getting hard to convince myself otherwise.


Are we approaching a point where even the low-info voters will be frustrated enough with Dems to give a third party a chance? Instead of trying to take over the dinosaur party from the inside, should progressives be starting a new party? Even some registered R’s who would never vote for a D (or never again) might hear a new party out, the same way some of them voted Obama hoping he would be different from the other phony Dems who live a separate reality from blue collar people.

A third party escaping the fringe and gaining enough momentum to send the Dems into extinction is the country’s only out that I can think of.

People ITT are talking about the mother of all depressions as a possible high-variance solution, but if it doesn’t cause a revolution in the streets (which might be met with tanks and drone strikes anyway) then I fail to see how it leads to the USofAOC? Some people are saying it would hurt the ultra rich, which may be true in an absolute sense, but wouldn’t they become even wealthier relative to rabble? And that’s all they actually care about. They’d rather be the kings of hell than live in a garden of eden free of inequality.

Basically, the depression idea reminds me of this scene:

Manchin statement:


I support vengeful taxation. And if the wealthy won’t let us tax them fairly, then we should destroy their wealth through inflation and a government default.

There was a deal, an agreed upon framework. The Manchin-Sinema-Gottheimer troika got their bill. And as soon as they did they backed out of the deal. That is how we got here. We knew it would be hard to come to an agreement, a lot of tense moments and standoffs. What we’ve actually seen is rather different. They’re not having a hard time coming to an agreement. The troika is refusing to negotiate.

There’s just no way forward.


It’s the exact same tactic Republicans admitted to using against Obama for eight years. Pretend to negotiate in good faith and that there will be some agreement possible at the end, meet them halfway and say you’re almost there, then keep taking steps backward and let them chase you while the clock runs out. Great time wasting maneuver because they’re all a bunch of fucking losers that fall for it every time.

It’s not really fair to say “they” are falling for it. Nobody is actually falling for it this time. They just have absolutely no leverage over the two holdouts.


Just have someone kick manchin in the dick on the Senate floor which is a federal crime and have Biden pardon them. Then tell manchin you will do this every day for the rest of his term unless he gets on board