Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Do we though?

Or can the some of the other shitty senators just saying they are because Manchin and Sinema are giving them cover?

Weā€™re not going to pick up seats in 2022 or 2024. We probably lose the Senate in 2022 70%+ of the time.

The only way to find out is if enough seats become vacant so that 47 votes are enough.

Dude shut up with shit like this.


Itā€™s just math.

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Republicans having a 60 seat senate supermajority isnā€™t off the table after 2024.

And I donā€™t want to end up on a fucking watchlist. You arenā€™t flirting with advocating for terrorism, thatā€™s what youā€™re actually doing. Seriously shut the fuck up.

Not Americaā€™s strong point.

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Not even sure what ā€œAmericaā€™s strong pointā€ is right now.

Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m pointing out that talking about nuking the filibuster before the midterm elections change the math is kind of pointless unless a highly unprobable number of deaths to just the right people occur, which is why I have been talking about rooting for an economic collapse.

Anyways, our best bet is probably some sort of Thanos COVID variant that kills off half the unvaxxed (after we get kids vaccinated, of course.)

Political violence is way more feasible and you know that. We all know what you mean, and so would any reasonable person reading the site. Donā€™t play dumb now.


A COVID variant that kills off half the unvaxxed probably kills off 5% of this board at minimum (assuming we all vaxxed)

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Yep, now all the moderate pundits are going to gaslight progressives that ā€œwell actually, it never was a dealā€ combined with the complaining that progressives donā€™t want to pass anything and that they should take the W on the infrastructure bill.

Moderates will demand that the infrastructure bill be passed immediately while stringing out the reconciliation bill to buy time to complain about inflation, lazy people getting money, etc. to whittle down any reconciliation bill to under a billion or less with no new entitlements or entitlements that donā€™t really mean much like paid leave savings accounts or whatever. Eventually progressives will cave, because they have to. They, unlike Manchin, want something.

Going off of Yglesiasā€™s tweet, Manchin and Sinema should have just said we wonā€™t vote for anything more than milquetoast bipartisan bills and we would have all just said, yep, Bidenā€™s term is going to be the bare minimum and just coasted through not expecting anything at all. But we got a lot of Biden as the FDR articles.

Worth it.

Well, itā€™s a good thing people on the left are generally pussies, so you donā€™t have to worry about them committing political violence that you disapprove of.

I didnā€™t say I disapproved I said I didnā€™t want to end up on a watch list. That was intentional.

Iā€™ve come around to thinking that Biden actually would try to be FDR if he had enough votes, but Manchin is immovable. I never had my expectations raised because I understand how American politics works.

Well, maybe Iā€™m just asking God for a few appropriately aimed meteorites.

Youā€™re not and Iā€™m really tired of you nibbling around the edges of the stuff that shouldnā€™t be said in public. Everyone knows what you mean and you arenā€™t nearly as clever as you think. Worse it makes it seem way more nefarious than it is, which is really some tight passive PLO pro edge lording on the internet.

I look at the situation weā€™re in and I am genuinely scared of the political violence that might break out. Itā€™s a bad timing for edge lording. If a terrorist attack happens, and it very well might, your posts are capable of causing yourself and a lot of the rest of us quite a bit of harm.


No matter how the elections go in 2022 and 2024 nothing will change. The Dems will always be those 1-2 votes away from actually doing anything to combat the real issues because that is what they are all paid to do. To provide a whiff of hope to the 10% of people who actually care while catering to the donor class.

At this point I agree with Vic and some others that itā€™s basicaly impossible that elections are not going to be the solutions to any of the big problems in this country. Mobilizing and donating and all that is great but in the end what you end up actually putting in power is the Bidens/Manchins/Pelosis/Schumers of the world. That isnā€™t the solution to anything.