Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

you are incorrect. great depression and great recession did not move voter participation above historical fluctuation. they also did not shift voter support significantly against wealth.

in modern democracies, you very rarely win 60%, and the most common way to do that is to depress turnout. which in itself requires undemocratic actions.

Maybe your strategy just isn’t correct?



No. By far the best path forward is to win more elections and use the power well.

OK well that’s not happening, what comes after that?


I’m no historian but the great depression lead to fdr who ran on the most economically leftist legislation weve ever had by far

Didn’t an economic collapse also lead to Hitler seizing power?

Try harder? I mean, we still have semi-legitimate elections. Mobilize, donate, all the annoying stuff.

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If you think an economic collapse is going to work, you at least need an economic collapse when the conservatives are in power. If the Dems are in power, you’ll get a far right government.

Eh. Kinda. We have a Democracy that runs on one of my favorite political quotes of all time “You can elect 'em if I can nominate 'em”.

I know it’s super annoying but in just 2 years we now have like 47 Democratic Senators ready to nuke the filibuster.

I get it, it sucks, the Charlie Brown / Washington Generals thing is infuriating, but trying at this system is way better than a meltdown. The aftermath of the meltdown would likely be much much worse.

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Republicans lost 52 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate in 1930. They lost 101 House seats and 12 Senate seats, as well as the White House, in 1932. The left needs a crisis that stimulates political realignment to have a shot at creating significant change. Sure, this means risking a sharp fall into fascism, but there seems to be little chance of long-term victory by maintaining the status quo. Maybe we could avoid all of that suffering if we could luckbox into having the right people die at just the right time, but what are the odds of that?

That’s because the leadership was still controlled by kleptocrats during the most recent crises. I’d argue that the reaction was pretty extreme in 2008: we elected a black president! Anyone claiming to have had that on their Bingo card is lying. It’s just that people were fooled into thinking he wasn’t a slightly better version of the standard establishment model manufactured at Skynet. However, that cover was blown when, like a glitched Westworld android that escaped onto The West Wing set, he repeatedly tried to negotiate with Republicans despite getting beaten and robbed repeatedly. Joe Lieberman was a Republican posing as a Democrat who single-handedly killed the public option, so these within-party saboteurs aren’t new either. Now we’re going to attempt to repeat all of it again and for that reason I’m out.



The current path were on is guaranteed fascism

I agree. Problem is republicans would instantly nuke the filibuster in this situation so this wouldn’t happen. Plus they would actually frame it as democrats fault

you could say great depression starts in 1929, it takes until 1933 for power to change hands, and new deal to even get passed. it takes another couple of years to solidify democratic electoral advantage, to really implement their laws which didn’t have a great record in scotus.

what you are proposing is blowing up the system where in the best historical example you see favorable outcomes out 6-10 years. not to mention system is really bigger and more resilient now, so a realignment due to economic factors is even harder to achieve.

economic crises happen. we don’t have to root for them to occur for political objectives. there are opportunities to go all out campaigning against conservative wealth every freaking news cycle.

I have for a long time felt that the US Constitution is a rotten document that needs to be replaced, not just amended. I am in favor of seeing the system blown up at some point. I find an economic crisis preferable to a civil war. This is me being less extreme than I could be.

No document or system of government can withstand the combination of a rabid, structurally advantaged party willing to do anything to get and retain power and a weak opposition unwilling to confront it.

You know the thread has gone off the rails into Social Media Brain™ land when Riverman is the calm one.


Also hinted voting no on infrastructure would make him a firm no on anything BBB

Looking good heading into tomorrow

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This fucking guy

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