Infrastructure / Reconciliation / Debt Limit Sweat

Senator Hirono is one of us.


The reps will die of covid to own the libs but cave and pass the green new deal when the money to mostly minorities is blocked.

Remember when Cinema got media to publish stories about her spreadsheets? Lol she doesn’t even have an ask now.

Is it possible Sinema just really likes the attention?

As much as I find this whole thing ridiculous, I do appreciate that it’s causing UP to busier. I basically have 0 work to do this week but still have to sit in front of my computer.

So, uh, props to the eDems and republicans for finding a way for me to fill 8 hours.


surely this headline helps us pass the climate stuff? right? … right?


Mitch is going to come out of this smelling like a rose. Here’s how:

  • Dems fail to address the debt ceiling, either through reconciliation or eliminating the filibuster.
  • Mitch rides in at the last minute with a message about how the Dems had ONE JOB, how he knew they wouldn’t be able to pull it off, and the Republicans will agree to suspend the debt ceiling for the good of the country on October 15.
  • All of the Bret Stephens types swoon over how Mitch and the GOP were able to put country over party — see, they’re not so bad!
  • Dems completely bungle the message that none of this would’ve happened in the first place if not for Mitch.
  • Kevin McCarthy takes the gavel in 2023.
  • Trump is “re-elected” with a trifecta in 2024.

Fair enough. My counterpoint is that we have actual recent history about what America does in a crisis, and it is not egalitarianism/New Deal. It is policy to save the well off (and then some) and the poors get some crumbs.

Create a crisis deep enough to hurt the well-off. And since you can’t target only the rich, accept the collateral damage of hurting poor people, too.


The 2008 crisis hurt the well off, and so did Covid. That didn’t stop the klepocrats from rising in with crumbs for the poor, some help for the well off, and a bonanza for the rich. That’s the template going forward and their is still plenty of wealth in the US for the ultra rich to plunder.

And wouldn’t you know it, that extension is going to expire on October 25th or so next year, just in time to be a huge pain in the ass before elections.

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Plunder is unfathomably lucrative. Russia is a meaningless economy on a global scale and has like 50 of the richest people in the world.

We need something Great Depression-level bad.

The Republican base loves their theatrics but conservatives really nailed it on the head when they realized they need to bury all their unpopular bs under bureaucratic and procedural minutia. Government workers being furloughed while Ted Cruz reads Green Eggs and Ham looks bad and tells people Republicans are cruel, but government workers being furloughed for some bylaw subsection 20 something or another while Democrats are in power and McConnell saying “we’ll just trying to find the person who did this” is great for them. Maybe eventually people put two and two together but who knows.

you could argue 2008 hurt some well-off, but most who got through it eventually were made whole. pandemic didn’t hurt the well-off except maybe stan cherra. pandemic accelerated an economic shift that was already underway, and the well-off were already well-invested for that.

i don’t see how you can argue that world calamities hurt the rich. hurting the rich almost always requires persecution by the state (think holocaust, repressions, or sanctions) and/or war. under normal social contract of security and stability, wealth is impenetrable.

so to fix inequities, we have to target wealth itself, rather than shaking the system that keeps millions of the non-wealthy alive.

The GDP crash in Q2 2020 was about 4x the worst quarter of the Great Depression.

We need something Great Depression-level bad for Great Depression-level length.

no you dont. you just need 60% of voters to support a progressive wealth tax at death, and elimination of the basis step up loophole.

That’s how you get 60% of voters.