Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

At least 90% of these personal finance hate read pieces are just made up, right?

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I feel like you probably haven’t lived near a major state school’s campus in a long time. There’s a huge industry built up around gouging college students for absurd rent payments to live in anything that isn’t a complete shithole, and even the shitholes aren’t cheap. Also, this is CA rent we’re talking about.

What was the plan if junior didn’t get into a public university? Just load her up with $200k of debt, presumably.

LOL the one idiot having the excuse “my parents were loaded and thought wealth was evil.”

How did you leave this gem out?

1 p.m. — I fill up my gas tank. That is a lot. Jeez. $85

Oh fuck off, lady, you spend like $80 a week on fucking bagels. This family is going to vote for Trump or DeSantis because of gas prices, and blame their impending financial dilemmas on Biden’s inflation as they spend themselves into oblivion with daily online shopping sprees and delivery everything.

8 p.m. — We meet friends to see a comic and then grab drinks and dessert after. We split the bill, even though I’m pretty sure we drank more. $120

Having been the broke guy living in NYC who meets a bunch of friends out for dinner and orders cheap only to have the rich people who ordered expensive stuff get everyone to split the check, GO FUCK YOURSELF! The worst were the ones who would cut out early and leave enough to cover their portion, which was NEVER enough.

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I got a chicken strips meal at Chick-Fil-A the other day, and it came to $16 after subbing yogurt for fries. It’s no $15 bagel, but it did make me think there might be some truth to these inflation rumors.

Of course the spending is LOL, but there are plenty of other gems.

Here’s one. If you eat fish, you are not a fucking vegetarian.

Later in the diary she does seem to acknowledge that eating fish requires some explanation and qualifies it with “we eat some fish” when explaining a salmon purchase. Nevertheless, thinking yourself a vegetarian when you eat fish is loltastic and plain idiotic.

There is no way this woman provides 200K of value with whatever she does. I’ll set the o/u on five years before someone figures this out and she’s struggling to make half (which with inflation may still be 200K in nominal terms).

I got their income as $190k combined.

People considering themselves vegetarian when they’re fine with meat other than beef and maybe pork is standard.

Salaries are in the article.

Yes, people are stupid. It’s not surprising, but I can still make fun of it.

lol at completely blowing a $500k (after tax!) inheritance on travel and furniture


I bet if we could see a breakdown of their trips and the costs, it would make it so much worse that we’d puke. Like Disney World a few times, Sandals or some other shitty all-inclusive resort a few times, a few cruises, and some gaudy furniture is my guess. And I bet the furniture isn’t even comfy.

I’d be shocked if they took the money and took a series of good international trips.


They are one layoff away from insolvency, it is completely insane.

I wonder what percentage of people making $150K-$1M a year are paycheck to paycheck? The number would probably be disgustingly high, like somewhere around 10 to 25%.

The zero in 401k at that income level is absolute insanity. It’s literally free money.

Overdrawn checking account might be even more incomprehensible.

For me it’s quite literally incomprehensible. I’ve never had one. Even when poor, never been in danger of having one. And I have no idea exactly how it works.

I think we would be truly shocked how many high earning coastal people live this way. Absolutely zero savings, then rely on social security and home equity in old age. Outrageously irresponsible and as noted upthread, leads to atrocious political views. They’re always stressed the fuck out and vulnerable to racist bullshit, and hyper sensitive to short term stuff that shouldn’t matter to them, like gas prices.

Also there is a special place in hell for “order expensive booze and demand to split the check evenly” guy, totally infallible sign of a piece of shit.


I hate to go to bat for these people, but I think they’re catching too much shit for this.

It looks like the total bill was $240 for four people. So at $60/person, there is not a whole lot of room to screw the other couple over a bit of extra booze.

If the true split was $50/$50/$70/$70, I’m not sure $20 is a big deal who go out to eat at a $60/person place. Also it’s highly dependent on the relationship of the two couples.

My wife and I always have less booze when we go out with another couple, so even from the other side I’m OK with it. Now if we find that alcohol was more than half the bill, and they drank nearly all of it, then I’m with you 100%.

I think this is a very generous and understandable thing to do, but also understand why people might be reluctant to accept.

A similar issue I had was several years ago when my parents wanted to have a family get together in Myrtle Beach, where they’d rent a big house for everyone to stay in. Our mindset was, “we really appreciate you paying for this house, but if we’re driving all that way and taking a week off, it would be great to spend like 2 or 3k more for a nicer place on the beach. And we’d be happy to pay that extra for everyone.” But we also realized how ungrateful and elitist that sounded, so we didn’t actually make that offer.


I don’t think you’re a weirdo, and it’s a completely reasonable thing to do, but it’s a delicate subject. Anyone you offer this to, you’re calling a poor, and they could be offended by the suggestion. Presumably you know these people, so that will help you decide how to offer and to whom. Nevertheless, tread lightly.