Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19


My friend, who it turns out is not as thorough as I might have expected, contacted the Georgia state department of tax, and was informed that the IRS does not allow this type of state tax credit payment as a charitable donation on the federal return.

Are you me?

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I enjoy the takedowns of this type of scambaiting by the youtuber below. This is her piece on why Tony Robbins is a GIGANTIC scumbag

These “passive income real estate” scammers are just the absolute worst. We are truly a grifter economy.

But just imagine, you can be a slum lord but with none of fuss.

I’ve been on a run of getting “how to make passive income” pieces from CNBC in my feed. I always click them because I’m apparently addicted to rage.

Three in a row have been “start a blog and monetize it.” Never mind the fact that making real money off blogs in 2022 is extremely hard. IT’S NOT FUCKING PASSIVE, DIPSHITS, YOU HAVE TO KEEP WRITING NEW POSTS!!!

There’s an entire fucking cottage industry of false hope bullshit masquerading as financial advice, as a form of pro-system propaganda to keep the younger generations that are getting skull fucked by the system from wanting to change it.

You, too, could start a blog and make $100K a month! Better not tax your future rich self too much!

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Yeah but if you just do it for 5-10 years, then it may eventually become passive. I’m saying there is a chance.

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Maybe if you hire (and fuck over) young writers. Can confirm that business model is thriving.

I was mostly joking. But I’ve definitely heard of blogs that are one person operations for a long time and do well. Often they will get bought out. I guess I don’t know them well enough to know what is going on behind the scenes. Maybe it never was really just one person.

Tons of luck involved. Also like plenty of other things, it’s an idea that would have worked a lot better 10-15 years ago than now.

Yeah one person blogs can definitely make money but they can’t do so passively. They need to be churning out a lot of content. Even if they have pageviews coming in on old posts, they probably still need to keep their content coming so the search engine algos keep ranking them high.

That’s why I said it takes 5-10 years. Then you can get bought out and own a piece or you can get big enough to hire others to do most of the content once you have the captive audience. So, even then it’s not truly passive, but it’s approximately being-a-landlord level of passive.

Yeah I mean you can get bought out, in theory. I don’t know if that’s 1 in 1,000 or 1 in 1,000,000 but it’s really really rare. The other one is hiring people and fucking them, basically.

People writing full-time for blogs and online media sites make about $50K a year to work about 50-60 hours a week, with constant stress from their superiors. Freelancers make between $10 and $20 an hour ($1 per 1K views) unless they’re really hooked up.

I’m really hooked up with my buddy, so he tosses me some articles he knows will be high traffic. So I’m writing mock drafts that take about 3 hours and make about $150-300 each. But you’re talking 3-5 per year total.

We’re probably pretty close to having AI generated nonstop content. Like if you make 100 hours of real content pretty soon an AI will be able to generate 1 million hours of new simulated content from that.

I assume this is already how Gladwell books are generated.


What am I even reading here

Lol $1,800 for State School Rent

Tell your daughter to go find some friends and live in a 10 person house for $400/mo.

$1800 is probably higher than the median 1bd rent in Chicago

This is the best part.

“Our net worth is entirely made up of equity in our primary residence. We own no other properties, have no savings, and no 401(k)s. “

What could go wrong!

Best part is $50 gym. … that gym is leaving a ton of $ on the table


Fuckshit. How do people make this much money? … 22k+ in monthly after tax income?

Spending a half million on travel is about the only thing I find in common here and it’s the only part they regret so…

Eta: in common. Not that I’ve ever had that much money but if I did, travel seems entirely reasonable … well. Except I could travel for a decade on that money and I’m sure they didn’t make it last that long

Great hate-read. Really worth clicking through to read the daily spending over the week.

What blows my mind is that this person can hold down a 200k job.