Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Not even taking the cost into account, it doesn’t even sound all that fun. Maybe I’m just too old and lame.

Disneyland was our last family trip right before COVID. We did the whole thing for a bit over 3K for 5 days, including airfare with some sort of Costco package. The only minor inconvenience is that we all shared one regular-sized hotel room. Wife wanted a suite or two rooms and somehow I won that one. I’m told that’s never happening again.

AirBNB would have been even cheaper, but staying at the park has proximity advantage and you get to go in early which lets you knock out a lot of stuff.

I wonder how hard it is to just use a fake ID to get the local’s discount at Disney. That’s a pretty substantial discount in ticket prices off the top.

yeah i dont really see this as a slight on Disney - almost any vacation where you upgrade to more than the standard package is gonna be at least 10k now. sister ran in the boston marathon recently we easily spent 15-20k for 5 adults between flights, airbnb, food and redsox tickets. definitely could have done it for cheaper but we like to eat good food on vacation and dont mind shelling out 1500/night for a nice airbnb since everyone has graduated and has a decent job now.

Username does not check out


Forking out a crapload of money for the privilege of going to a hot, crowded place and spending most of the day standing in lines, and being surrounded by Disney characters no less, is about as close to a living hell as I can imagine.

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It’s happening? Seems like it around me.

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Beat: Bought my house probably near the top of the market.
Brag: Still locked in 3% on a 10 year adjustable
Variance: It’s Chicago real estate so there is very little variance to be found.

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It seems like we might get K shaped tech compensation moving forward. Or maybe just reduced comp across the board. Will be interesting to see how this plays out as a huge number of startups go bust and new ones don’t get funded. Could have big implications for housing in Austin, Seattle, etc.

There is still pretty strong upward pressure on wages for “tech” roles in my industry, like data analytics people that can use Python and R and actually know machine learning basics. That might be different from what you’re talking about, but I think at least in that field the glory days are going to last a little longer. At least until the waves of Indian data analytics experts arrive and it all gets outsourced.

At a team event in park, 4 teams playing volleyball. I’m chatting with a few people 2 of which are directors. Someone says “what do you get if you win?”. I say “well it would be RSUs but they’re not worth anything now”. Directors walk away.


LOL. Savage.

I don’t see any non trivial home price declines yet. Stuff is just sitting on the market. Sellers must be wondering what is going on.

Do not, under any circumstances, give your money to Wells Fargo.

I’m seeing more houses dropping price in my area too and that median sale price has plateaued. Most houses are only on the market for about a week on average, but the number of houses hitting the market is growing quickly. So definitely seeing a cooling

FWIW, this seems like a pretty good place to look at some market data for various metros.

Wells Fargo has a long history of doing shady shit to retail customers

On a scale of 1-10 how worried should I really be if I have an acct there.

if inflation was 8% and the target is 2%, shouldn’t the goal for this year be -4% - since they missed?