Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Yeah I considered buying some yesterday. It’s not quite in my value territory, but if you gave me a binary choice of that company or the S&P, I’d take that company.

Grue has posted that he doesn’t give a shit about that. He has mentioned it multiple times himself.

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What’s the ticker?

The ticker is MYPONY :racehorse:

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Idk why just don’t want it searchable / attached to this name but who cares really

Sorry, if I misunderstood you. I went back and deleted.

This should do it, then:

download (1)

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I’ll probably get laid off/fired soon anyways so problem solved!


NYT on student debt forgiveness:

The author is always correct.

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Billionaires have seen their total net worth soar by $3.8 trillion, or 42%, to $12.7 trillion during the pandemic. A large part of the increase has been fueled by strong gains in the stock markets, which was aided by governments injecting money into the global economy to soften the financial blow of the coronavirus.

Much of the jump in wealth came in the first year of the pandemic. It then plateaued and has since dropped a bit, said Max Lawson, head of inequality policy at Oxfam.

At the same time, Covid-19, growing inequality and rising food prices could push as many as 263 million people into extreme poverty this year, reversing decades of progress, Oxfam said in a report released last month.

“I’ve never seen such a dramatic growth in poverty and growth in wealth at the same moment in history,” Lawson said. “It’s going to hurt a lot of people.”

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LOL you think, Fox Business?

Park hopper tickets cost $2,550 for the five days they attended. Their four nights of lodging inside the resort cost $3,780 for the parents and two kids.

Once inside the park, they spent $300 on Genie plus passes for their entire trip to skip lines in order to avoid spending all their time waiting for rides. The parents said they paid $950 on sit-down meals and another $700 or so for snacks and souvenirs. All told, the cost of the visit rounded out to $8,480, and airfare pushed the price of their vacation upwards of $10,000.


What the fuck?

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That’s completely accurate. You can save money by packing a lunch but you basically have to buy the line skipping stuff or else you wait like 2 hours per ride.

My wife was one of those completely in love with Disney from childhood people and after our last trip she said “never again.”

I haven’t been to Disney World recently, but park hopper tickets don’t seem necessary if you’re spending 5 days there. Just spend one day in each park and an extra one in your favorite.

Redacted for privacy.

You don’t have to spend $900/night on a hotel room. There are only 4 parks, 5 nights is excessive. Could have packed lunches. You want iconic snacks but not random over priced junk food. Pretty lucky I guess as a Floridian since our annual passes are $50/month.

I think it’s easy to under-appreciate what the Magical Express actually does (did, I guess) if you’ve never been on it.

It’s not just a courtesy shuttle. Instead, it takes you from Orlando airport to your Disney hotel without ever having to deal with your checked luggage. So you step off your plane, walk over to the shuttle, and are driven to the hotel, where all of your checked bags magically appear in your room. That was pretty freaking great.

I don’t remember how much our first trip to Disney was, but I’d guess around $8k, and overall I think it was worth it. Maybe that’s changed in the last 5-10 years.


My coworker is 29 and pays for the Disney Super Plus Package or whatever. Him and his wife go 4 times a year and they don’t have kids. Mind boggling to me.

Yeah that sounds great and all, I’m just saying if they’re calling Fox News to complain about the cost of a trip but they got private car service…

That’s crazy that it’s that expensive now. My parents took me as a kid maybe 25 years ago and I think the entire trip was $2K, maybe $3K. We didn’t stay on site, and I don’t think we had line cutting passes.

We probably stayed at a Days Inn or something, and we definitely had free continental breakfast. My Dad wouldn’t book a hotel without a free breakfast lol…