Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

100k-150k for new windows and some cosmetic upgrades?

Windows pretty expensive these days imo and 2500SF is a pretty big space. “cosmetic improvements” actually probably means “renovate the old kitchen entirely” based on this person’s grasp of reality.

I haven’t seen PIMI before, is that the same as PMI? My googlefu failing me here.

I can’t really think of any good advice other than just “pay attention to your finances so you feel less anxiety.”

Love the 350k mortgage on a house “worth” 1.8MM.

The one bad part of my house is the small master bathroom that hasn’t been updated since it was built in 1980 and we had a guy come in and quote $30k for like a new shower and tile so yeah I believe that…

I bet the ding to their credit was like a 50 point drop to 775 or something stupid like that, what a disaster!

Exactly. That’s like 4 nice vacations! Wtf I don’t care if my shower sucks, literally zero VORP

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I’m not saying you guys are wrong, but we renovated our master bathroom and installed a shower in our basement right before the pandemic started and I am enormously happy we did it even though the price ($65k or so) was outrageous. I posted about it either here or in the in-between forum.

Edit: Here

I value experiences over stuff more than most, but stuff in your master bath that pisses you off pisses you off every day, and stuff you love in your bath is stuff you use every day. Like, remodeling every 5 years is stupid, but if you’re going to love it for 30 or more, especially when the current one is frustrating, that can easily have the utility to meet or exceed 4 vacations. Obviously there has to be a reasonable budget and focus on things that you do actually use and love every day (the house we bought has a big fancy tub that we’ve never used. Maybe the previous owners used it regularly, but that is the sort of thing that is foolish to splurge on if you don’t use it regularly), but things you use and love every day are the sorts of things to spend money on.


There’s another addition to my people-I-hate list.

Yeah, I was going to post almost exactly this. The funny thing is that it my first experience with a remodel and I did a bunch of donkish things that I’m tilted by. Nevertheless, I think that it was worth the ridiculous price. I guess the silver lining on the ridiculous price is that we locked everything in before COVID and prices became even more ridiculous. So I have tricked myself into thinking it was a bargain.

Mme Melkerson did exactly this and had a ridiculous tub installed. It has been used two times. One time when I insisted that she test it to make sure everything worked properly (it didn’t). And then one time after they fixed it to test it again. Never used again even once.

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Yeah, don’t do that. Don’t blow up walls to install shit you’ll never use at the expense of other things. But shit, if you have shit in your bathroom that actively pisses you off in features you use daily, that’s good shit to fix.

We valued the stupid bathtub we never have used at $0 when buying our house, and despite it we are incredibly lucky to have bought it when we did for the price we did. I’d never pay to install something like that, but I’d totally turn a shower I use and hate into a shower I like.

Random thought. There is probably an ideal age of death, for max capitalism. Like, my death and yours. Where you stop aiding it and start being a drag on the system.

Or maybe old people are better for max capitalism. I dunno. … if there is a pivot point tho, that seems important

I mean, “the system” is big and complex with lots of differing preferences. From a certain perspective, the moment you retire, you’ve stopped producing value and are therefore worthless. You could be taken out back and shot, and your estate distributed to either your kids or other people who are likely to spend it rather than save it so that it can end up in the hands of the rich. On the other hand, the medical industrial complex would rather you live as long as possible so that they can extract as much of that from you themselves instead of missing out on essentially all of it if you were to just take a euthanasia roller coaster. Similarly, the retirement community would be pretty pissed if people just worked until they died or couldn’t work and then were executed.

Some people have real problems

Jesus I read half of the first paragraph and couldn’t go on.


Learning how much marketing people can make was a shock to me after i met my wife, at least at tech companies not familiar with other industries.

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Better than me, I was out after reading the topic heading.

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And their salaries are half of what the tech side makes!

“Performance marketing”? WTF, where was that degree when my stupid ass was getting 2 science degrees and making 10 times less

He…should have more than $6 million?