In Which We Ponder If Those Criticizing Police Are The Baddies

haha! point to Riv

I’m thrilled with this, and wanna keep emotions out of it, and have a real discussion. Marksman, you are excused lmao

I’d have to dedicate some thought to it, but any improvement in policing or community quality of life, and reduction of fear and crime would satisfy.

And an increase in optimism and ambition. Do not just wanna reduce the negatives, though a reduction in negatives might automatically increase the positives

is Argentina a relatively homogeneous society, not dealing with multi-racial assimilation and harmony?

I’m honestly ignorant

Every year in the United States, approximately 100 000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for nonfatal injuries inflicted by law enforcement

The average annual rate of legal intervention homicides in the 16 NVDRS states over the study period was 0.24 per 100 000 population on the basis of the study count. Rates varied by race/ethnicity. Among Hispanics, the rate was 0.25/100 000. Among non-Hispanics, rates were 0.48 for Blacks, 0.25 for American Indians, 0.17 for Whites, and 0.06 for Asians.

This is a study trying to determine how accurate the NVDRS numbers are compared to other sources. The above blurbs were just mildly interesting.

It’s just sad that these protests were not about economic justice, but rather instances of white cop, black victim, omitting minority cop, minority victim occurrences.

The residual positive effects would improve race-relations, general hostility and helplessness, etc. etc. it would be difficult to measure how much positive change some wealth redistribution might do

hope it isn’t a misguided missed opportunity

I don’t really put a lot of stock in homogeneous society arguments, but Argentina is similar in some ways and different in some than the US. It is more white than not in terms of Euro ancestry. The “minority” population is mestizo - or mixed. But it’s more of a spectrum and less rigidly defined. I think. But, when you look at a picture of people in an Argentine prison you see a lot of Native/Indian in the mix and when you look at a picture of an Argentinian newscast it might not look like Sweden, but much more Euro.

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I know you weren’t asking me, but I will defend people who need it.

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but with how much necessary conviction?

most will not

With how much necessary conviction? I don’t get it. But I’ll answer anyway:

As much as it takes.

I think those neighborhoods/ communities need serious investment from outside benefactors - whether private or public - and they simultaneously need a re-prioritization of values.

You’re also talking about serious reconstruction of what is currently too often a sort of default consciousness ime… inundated with bs noise and pop-culture. Nothing that is going to remake a man. All the coaxing, the former druggies with tattoos trying to scare-straight packed high school auditoriums, none of that amounts to jack squat.

I’ve got to take the dog for a walk now, so I’m going to just anticipate this question:

Do you have a gun? What do you do when someone else has one?

I do not believe it. You volunteered once in that exercise about killing numerous people you didn’t know, or losing a loved one, that we’d all be toast lol

you wouldn’t sacrifice what is necessary

this is all rhetorical theoretical… you shouldn’t be asked to sacrifice anything. people ought to be able to manage their lives, but they can’t. they believe they are victims./… all the brilliance in the community of color… yet still held down by the man. gtf up

I don’t understand that either. That I’d kill all of you motherfuckers if it was you or my kids? Of course I would. I don’t think it’ll come to that though. Are all of you planning on attacking my kids?


I’m trying to get you to think about real sacrifice.

People have become sheep because they have surrendered all their responsibility and power to the state and the police are the instrument of that power. People are capable of more.


be calm.

any time i’m carrying i’m probably 2% as likely to take offense to someone being ignorant/stupid or otherwise asking for a confrontation.

it’s a hell of a responsibility to carry a loaded gun in public. the chances that the circumstances that would need to unfold in front of me for me to actually take it out are absurdly low. if i knew someone else had a gun in the situation those odds drop even further.

but then, i’m not in a police union. :-/

i’ve been in my car in an apartment’s parking lot and watched someone pull a gun on someone else maybe like 50 feet away. you know what i did? i left my gun in the console and stayed the fuck in my car.

I don’t really get what you’re talking about. You’re talking about the sacrifice that police make?

agree with the potential for some collective enlightened state of consciousness, though history wouldn’t buttress the notion, and we are so far from that as humans, it’s laughable

I’m speaking chinese lol I’m trying to be too cute, I guess

I’m calmer than you and I’m getting sick of your gas. Now jerk that pistol and go to work!

(I’m just joking around brother)