In Which We Brainstorm About Ruthless Political Moves Democrats Will Never Make

That really would be great, especially if he was also allowed to fuck with them the way he fucked with guests. Just imagine the 7 people on stage tonight in an uncomfortably hot and humid room with no A/C and in the middle of answering a question gross liquid drops on them from the ceiling.

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I just imagine the candidates standing on the stage while some voices shouts ā€œITā€™S THE ERIC ANDRE SHOW!ā€ and Eric runs full speed to the set, destroys the table heā€™d be sitting at, punches a candidate and sits down at a freshly made set to welcome the debaters.

Do we get Hannibal as co-debate moderator?

Iā€™m assuming most of everyone here has heard of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Basically itā€™s a compact among states that once the total electoral votes within the compact at least 270, then all states vote for the candidate who won the national popular vote. Itā€™s an attempt to replace the electoral college with the popular vote using the electoral college against itself.

The problem with this is that it is nearly impossible to get enough states to join the compact as this would require some states giving up their electoral advantage. But I think two things could be changed to virtually assure the compact reaches 270. One is have all states in the compact vote for the candidate who won the popular vote within the compact. The other is that once the compact reaches 270, then no more states are accepted. Once the number of electoral votes in the compact gets closer and closer to 270, states outside the compact have to weigh the electoral advantage they have in the existing system versus the risk of being locked out completely.


Impeaching Clarence Thomas seems like it would be much more fun. And we get to see Republicans make mistakes while trying to use lynching metaphors.

Abolish the Senate

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Now this is absolutely ruthless.

I also think it would literally break the country in two.

I think it would literally lead to the excluded states voting to blow up the electoral college, which we should allow. I think itā€™s a great strategy for getting to the end of the EC.

I think the more likely outcome is that the excluded states form their own compact thatā€™s greater than 270 electoral votes.

Thatā€™s not actually possible lol.

States electoral votes are update every Census so itā€™s possible one of the passed over states could try to lure away a ton of Californians, New Yorkers, and Texans or something to boost their numbers.

Some of the best ideas will come from knowing arcane procedural rules of Congress and such. I have no idea what those might be but starting point would be to see what the GOP minority tactics have been in the past. Pelosi holding onto the articles is sly but only works if Dems hammer the talking point of the ball being in Turtleā€™s court.

Tax any churches whos leaders push politics.


In all honesty, we should just be taxing churches period. ESPECIALLY those that preach a prosperity gospel with their leaders living in gold plated mansions and buying private jets. They are literally scamming our tax system for hundreds of millions of dollars


Tax churches, period. The megachurches of Joel Osteenā€™s ilk are obscene monuments to greed.

EDIT: My pony was taxed.


Appointing supreme court justices #10 and 11.


Yeah huge +1 to taxing churches. Iā€™m also for them having to disclose their balance sheets and income statements publicly every year. People who are tithing to the church deserve to know exactly how that money is getting spent.

Not sure if this is the right thread for this, please move if theres a better spot.

Reply All podcast just put out a 3 part story (itā€™s not long though) on the Alabama Democratic party and how they are infighting and possibly setting themselves up to be crushed for the foreseeable future, more than they have been forever. Worth a rage listen if you want to pontificate on exactly what the party shouldnā€™t be doing.


Iā€™ll give it a listen, iā€™m in Alabama and plan to get involved in local politics next year. I donā€™t really know anything about it other than they just elected a new party head which Doug Jones was behind and seems to be a good thing? Iā€™m actually planning on going to see him speak in a week or so.

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That sounds accurate. There was lots of contention leading up to that election. Youā€™ll definitely find this interesting and valuable given your plans. Good on you for getting involved.

The dem party basically split in two based on racial lines. They let it get to the point where the Sec of State, a Republican, got to settle the conflict.