Nah, I think he’s off here. It’s not running with what’s been happening. I believe Nadler when he says their plan is to file Articles of Impeachment by December. I also believe Adam Schiff when he says that they will be proceeding regardless of how court cases go. I’m under the firm belief that they don’t want this to be an election year happening, and would love to get it dispatched by the end of the year.
Based on what that guy’s saying, it would suggest the Senate would get on board if what he hopes to find in those documents happens. I still don’t think they will, or I at least think it will fall short of 67 votes.
From everything I’ve been following, and I’ve been following this pretty closely, the DB/Mazars stuff is not the focus of what they’re doing. I believe them when they say that stuff is being gotten so they can legislate to make a lot of stuff illegal that isn’t currently illegal.
The House is mainly moving on the obstruction part of the investigation, and that’s what they’re going to be working on when they get back. They’re also dovetailing Volume I because of Trump’s apparent desire to do it on an even bigger scale in 2020. They subpoenaed Rob Porter to appear on September 17 (he won’t do it obviously), which suggests there will be hearings going on pretty quickly after they return from recess.
The way the thread reads is dangerously close to saying Congress is betting it all on a fishing expedition. If that is actually a true representation of what they’re doing, they’ll lose in court. I don’t think it’s a true representation of what they’re doing and the thread seems to have a lot of wish casting in it.
Keep in mind, the case that’s ready to go right now is obstruction, at least 7 dead to rites instances of it. They can’t officially move forward on Articles of Impeachment until they’ve reviewed the underlying material (DOJ won’t give it to them) and/or they have witnesses testify to what’s in the underlying material.
Going off the redacted report without witnesses or underlying documentation is the equivalent of a prosecutor going to court and saying, ‘he did it, I can’t show you why, but my investigators told me it happened, so you must convict’.
Finally, Nadler expects most of the court cases to be coming to a head in October (especially the McGahn subpoena), so things will likely be in high gear in November regardless of how those cases go. The DB/Mazars stuff will likely be going on in the background, and we might not even hear much about it. I doubt it will take them 3 months to find a smoking gun in that documentation based on who’s been hired to review it. If they get the stuff in November, they will probably have good ideas of what’s going on within weeks, which would dovetail into what’s already ongoing.