Immigration - Open Borders

It’s only about ILLEGAL immigration, tho…

This was posted elsewhere prolly should be in here too

What a stupid line when you are a government employee. Doh former employee…well he is still stupid.


A new ICE detention center may be going up in the small town I grew up in (would literally be behind my old middle school). Watching the drama play out via FB post from friends who still live there has been WILD. Most have no problem w/ ICE detention centers, but, oh boy, do they not want one in their back yard.

Best comment so far, “Seriously it’s north [redacted] county they can literally move it like 8 miles north of small [redacted] and be in the middle of nowhere and not have to worry about anything happening if they do break free because there isn’t anything out that way. Makes no sense to drop it in a town of about 600.”

Should I point out to this person that to the Manhattan “real estate developer” he worships and voted for that a 600 person town IS the literal definition of the middle of nowhere, or nah?

Oh, yeah, that got me pretty fired up as well. The “they” are some of the folks who actually pick the vegetables that this dude buys from the nice old white folks who run the local farmstand but have gotten too old to work the fields.

so it’s actually the government doing the child trafficking

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What’s crucial to understand imo is that that stuff is inevitable. We don’t even know that the atrocity level isn’t running below expectation.


The only ones that might are Bernie and Yang.

Biden and Liz are too busy taking selfies.

I dunno but this country might have a problem with fascism

I miss when they were ashamed and hid it. Now I see clear evidence of it on things like bumper stickers everywhere. That blue lives matter flag is really scary when you stop and think about it.