Immigration - Open Borders

Just a reminder…

Not directly related to kids in cages, but in other immigration news, looks like they’re trying to reduce/ eliminate a program that allowed people to extend their visas in order to get medical treatment for serious diseases. So, now we’ll be deporting cancer patients in the middle of treatment or sending folks with rare diseases back to countries that may not even have facilities that are equipped to treat their conditions.

There is no bottom. The cruelty is the point. 90%+ Republicans supporting this monster. He’s close to a coin flip to win in 2020.

We’re sentencing kids with medical problems to certain death. This is America in 2019. This is who we are right now.

If you were writing a script for a courtroom-based comedy, I doubt you could do better than this:

Cassidy also showed up once in another judge’s courtroom, wearing his robes, and proceeded to tell that judge how to handle the hearing. In 2016, Cassidy said an immigrant coming to the border was like “a person coming to your home in a Halloween mask, waving a knife dripping with blood.” Fogle also recounted another hearing with Cassidy, when he was representing a former Ethiopian official. “As he was telling his story, Fogle remembers, Cassidy jumped up, turned off the court’s audio recorder, and yelled, ‘Bullshit!’”

Hey guys! looking forward to posting and reading your posts. I will probably post some ITT and other places, although who knows. I’m a lawyer and i do probono immigration cases, so this thread interests me and maybe I can post things that you dig. ok. not so drunk but after five i tend to try to have 2 drinks every 2 hours. so its midnight…that means im sleepy.


^^This x1, 000

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I posted this in the LC thread, but this is the proper place for this post to go due to the relevance of it to this topic.

If any of you have nothing to do on September 15 at 2pm, I suggest trying to go see the movie El Norte that will be playing as a Fathom Event. It was made in 1983, and was nominated for Oscar for Original Screenplay. Here’s the logline:

Peasants escaping mindless labor and a murderous Guatemalan government head to America in hopes for something better.

This movie managed to help change immigration laws in the U.S. due to the humanity it brought to the situation the people were fleeing from. One of the protections this movie helped bring to refugees was rescinded this year by the Trump administration resulting in the deportations of many people who have lived in this country for 30 years. The movie is far more timely now than it was 35 years ago, and it was timely then too. I wish someone would glue Stephen Miller’s eyes open and force him to watch it on repeat, even though I’ve never personally seen it. I will on September 15, and hope some of you will too. I’m going to cross post this in two other places.

And of course.

A spokesperson with the FBI said the agency is investigating a potential assault on a federal officer.

The entire WTVF coverage has a horrible pro-law enforcement slant, but the last paragraph is especially gross:

ICE spokesperson Bryan Cox told NewsChannel 5 that this is an example of how Nashville’s policy of not cooperating with ICE could be dangerous to the community.

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“Usually when I threaten children with scary animals, it works. Not with this kid.”

Yet they somehow compartmentalizes themselves into being the good guys. He gets a promotion when he should get jail time…

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paging Lapka

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The cruelty is the point. The Trump administration promoted that judge after that.

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It’s important to realize what Trumps frame of reference is. He came up in NYC in the late 70’s early 80’s under his dad’s (his dad was an old fashioned crony capitalist from the northeast, so basically a gangster) wing. That was the last period where gangsters still basically ran the city. Don’t get me wrong it was a dying era full of RICO trials, but crime families still decided what got built where and for how much. When he says someone is ‘tough’ he means they are capable of doing worse things to their enemies than their enemies have the stomach to do back. When he says he’s a good negotiator he means that he’s willing to do what it takes to coerce people to do what he wants.

Obviously his solution to immigration is to make it so intolerable for the migrants that they simply stop coming. So yeah the cruelty is the point in the sense that he thinks cruelty = leverage and leverage is how you win. He admires dictators because they are ‘tough’. Which is actually true in the context he means it. When he hears about flamethrower executions in NK he probably not so secretly wishes he could do the same to anyone who didn’t do what he says.

Anatta lives! Had a blowup with my parents at breakfast today when an already heated discussion about Israel turned to US border policy and finding out that they were A-OK with separating families. Their excuse was some bullshit Fox News talking points about sex trafficking and drugs. They spent their entire lives hating Nazis and now they’ve turned into them, very upsetting.

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They are trying to confuse the issue with “sex trafficking” on purpose. They have used human trafficking laws to prosecute people at No More Deaths who do things like leave water for people in the desert.