Immigration - Open Borders

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If Trump wins, that agent is probably going to get to go to the next State of the Union where heā€™ll get an ovation from all of the Republicans and most of the Democrats to honor his bravery.

Thatā€™s about where weā€™re at. I hope the kid recovers and sues the shit out of the government, not that itā€™ll come close to justice.

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Shits gonna get wild in these concentration camps if Coronavirus hits the US. Reminder that Anne Frank died of disease (probably typhus) in a concentration camp. You donā€™t have to mass execute people, you can just pen them up in unsanitary conditions and let nature take its course. Gosh, what could we have done, who knew thereā€™d be a disease outbreak.

Nazi bastards didnā€™t have the will to just execute a little girl outright, but throw her in a concentration camp and gosh, thatā€™s such a shame, nothing we could have done to prevent it. These arenā€™t death camps, theyā€™re just detention facilities where refugees just happen to die en masse from that corona virus thing thatā€™s going around. Just goes to show you how filthy and unsanitary these Hispanics are, we need a border wall to keep them from infecting us.

Concentration camps: wrong then, wrong now.

On Feb. 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, paving the way to remove residents and citizens with Japanese ancestry from their homes near military zones and move them into internment camps.

This guy would fit right in at a modern day Trump Klan rally:

Paul Davis: ā€œEvery Jap should be thrown into a concentration camp ā€” citizens and all. Theyā€™re all loyal to Japan. It might be expensive to put them all in a concentration camp, but it would be worth it. Iā€™m broadminded, but I donā€™t consider a Jap is a good American citizen even if he is born in the United States.ā€

The face of the enemy:

And how did these less-than-good citizens react to this hideous injustice:

The Rev. K. Hirakawa, pastor of a Japanese church on Bainbridge Island, said, ā€œWe knew, really, that the order was coming. We had hoped for the best, however, and when it did come it was a shock. But almost 100 percent of the Japanese have tried to make the best of it. If this evacuation will help the country, we are proud to obey the order.ā€

I wish I had something insightful to say here but Iā€™m drawing a blank. I am mad as hell that the modern camps arenā€™t getting more attention, especially from the D presidential candidates.

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This site, and a small area in Minidoka, ID are part of the same National Historic Site designated to remind us about the experience.

I got to visit the spot in Idaho last year and hope everyone gets the chance to go before the orange menace learns about this and closes it.



Nice little May Day protest at one of the child detention centers (itā€™s currently empty due to renovations) here in Chicago. Iā€™ve protested this place a couple of times in the past since the neighborhood itā€™s in is where I lived for most of my life


A resident foreign citizen planning on returning to their country of origin could theoretically stop paying taxes, what with the years-long process of collections and a hopelessly understaffed agency not having any actual leverage. One could even argue that it would be the morally correct thing to do. Theoretically.


eatchay onay ouryay axestay

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Canada is a pretty shitty country too. Donā€™t pay taxes there either.


I look at the provincial stats and itā€™s like wtf, the one place in Canada I really want to move to is getting absolutely wrecked relative to the rest of the country!

Oh wait, thatā€™s still only a fraction of the per capita cases and deaths in my state.

Pretty awesome dems gave trump money for this evil organization

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