I want more modding, do you?

If you really think there is some anti-western Europe bias show your work? Literally I didn’t even know most of you chaps were from there until the whining started. Also I think you are better than reducing the vast majority of us to this. It’s ridiculous and your most recent attempt to try and win this argument rather than just be a better community member.


lmao incredible

One detail I forgot to mention is that I posted an article critical of Peterson that thoroughly dissected it, and he came in whining without even reading it, and then said “I don’t need to read it to know what it says.” Just incredible cult brain.


Lol 2p2 mod forum. Can’t imagine the stupid shit that 27 probably tried to drum up about me stealing the site.

Narrator: he did not steal the site

Do you recall the article?

Decoding the Gurus did an excellent recent ep on Peterson. (As well as one on Russell Brand of Forgetting Sarah Marshall fame turned twelve-step quantum guru)

Yes but you have to register for that group at 22

The angst waxes and wanes. I declare the next 12 hours to be dedicated to lighthearted frivolity. No srs biz allowed.


I deleted that account so I can’t go to the post. It was probably this one from Current Affairs.

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The 12 hours where we are asleep and foreigners are awake?

'North" America lol. I mean America America.

Hey you’re a vegetarian. Nano daughter wanted to know if you cook a steak until it’s charcoal is it still meat?

Eta: how’s that for frivolity?

Eta: Nano daughter is also a vegetarian and no I don’t think she wants to eat charcoal she’s just being silly.

If you take a bunch of molly you’ll be awake and frivolous.

I’m so old that if I wanted to score some Molly I would have to ask my children. I don’t think I’m going to do that.

If you think your children could score some molly do you mind if I ask them?

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I’ll advise them against shipping illegal drugs across county, but you might win their trust with a well played “how do you do, fellow kids?”


My favorite Sabbath tune of all time!


Fwiw I don’t think Scotland is overly enamoured with being linked in with the UK.


:ok_hand: This is how I seen it last night too…

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If it was only me who’s noticed this you might have a point. It seems a lot of people don’t want to recognise that their forum frequently shows this sort of bias/prejudice.

If it’s so ridiculous perhaps you can explain why it is that in the two incidents resulting in bans for four people, the only person involved in both incidents wasn’t banned?

I don’t care a lot about bans of a day or two but you should care about biases like this in moderation.

If you’re intending to vote you should first acquaint yourself with the relevant history by reading this thread (gl with that), in which you’ll find a list. Otherwise don’t vote.