I want more modding, do you?

Count me out as well

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I do care which is why I’m asking. I’m not saying it exists or not but surely the burden of proof to show bias in moderation is with the people alleging it right? Just so I make sure I understanding you are you saying you guys are being picked on because of where you are from or is it purely coincidental that the allegedly persecuted forum members are all from w. Europe.

Updating from the articles 2015 date for non-locals … my constituency is Red now also… would prefer Green but turning from Blue was the important part so I held my nose when I voted.


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Well I mean - if you remember the other thread where I first made this observation to Wookie, after he’d waded straight into a that thread and delivered his “verdict” without bothering to read the background first, and it was strenuously denied…then only a couple of days later jman again incites a different Euro poster enough to get him banned without a banning himself.

What are the chances, eh?


I think there is actually a pretty serious anti-Canadian bias here. I call it the Poutine Bias. I’m getting pretty sick of all the disparaging comments about maple syrup, igloos and beavers.


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My general opinion is that I agree that those situations could have been handled better but I don’t see a broader pattern over weeks and months. That’s more what I’m asking for proof of. I don’t read every thread or post so I legitimately am curious rather than just trolling you and I hope you know that. I don’t want you all to feel like that though. This place is better for having all of you.


Poutine is definitely discriminated against in the states. You can’t find it anywhere!

It’s ok, I know you’re not trolling and appreciate this post and also that you know that biases are notoriously hard to prove.

But the fact remains that it’s pertinent because the two perma-mods handled it badly and at least one of them wants more power lol.

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I’m not sure how relevant this is but I think a lot of us thought jman was a mod because of the green title. I know did.


I don’t know if it’s relevant either. Possibly not. I suspect it’s more a bias of familiarity and similar backgrounds than anything else.

But interestingly those do add up to xenophobia. It might just be a very small number of influential posters - I’m certainly not including the whole forum in that.


The Jman/jalfrezi incidents have went back as far as the history of this forum with petty spats Wichita, I honestly don’t blame you for missing those posts as they tend to be short and sweet.

Once in a while though things like the “Ghetto blaster” incident comes up & low and behold the 2 posters who were asked and if I remember correctly Jman/jalfrezi had received warning before this occurred and Jman decides to put his bit in.

Jalfrazi was being genuine when he said us UK folks tend not to see that as a racist term & I posted much the same, up until the weekend Jman was still insisting on Jalfrazi being intentionally nieve or he is a rasict.

We both took note and have, not that we used the word, put it in the rasict shelf & learned something that day.

Then fidgetUK was brought into the fold, I don’t know how this happened & can’t remember any rude posts by him & he’s now part of some clique? That Cuse speaks of, strange tbh.

I propose that Jman/Cuse stop responding to Jalfrazi/FidgetUK & vise versa for the foreseeable future until this episode is resolved or run its course.

Jalfrazi/fidgetUK & Marty have a body of work on 2/2 to be proud of, all 3 contributed to that forum & deserve as much respect here that everyone else gets, after all jalfrezi did help put a stop to the Chezlaw on many an occasion + other nazi sympathisors, his work speaks for itself.

Marty’s work on 2/2 is also legendary…

FidgetUK has put in a tremendous volume over Brexit and deserves recognition of that work in the old UK forums + other threads on there.

All 3 are a value to this forum and mankind imo & are the reasons I came here to post & help out the forum when I can.

When we 1st moved here & we’re asked to post why we did, Jalfrazi was 1 of my reasons, I say this today so that the forum knows moving forward as I did write it on the 1st irritation of this forum.


Not that anyone cares, but I said I’d look into it for @fidgetUK

Seems like fidget did invite a few people to a PM thread because one or more of them had been referred to by Jman. I don’t think this should be done. Private messages should not be shared without permission. Then Jman invited cuse and the same thing applies, though maybe it was worse. It seems like he did that just to cause trouble.

Cuse and Jalfrezi should really stop with posting these digs about being perverts or racists. I don’t think either of you believe that about the other.


Just typed up a post and deleted it. My relative silence ITT should not be viewed as agreement with everything said about me or my past posting. I’ll see myself back out.

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smacc summed up the history quite accurately.

Even when posting something this morning about a potential malaria vaccine I searched for my first mentions of the death rate wrt covid and lo and behold, there was jman having a mindless go as usual.

That was back in February, and he’s been a major factor in a lot of the trouble by egging cuse on to do his dirty work for him, knowing how much cuse likes to white knight (knowing I have him on ignore).

I don’t know how he gets away with it. I guess he’s got the photos of mods sexing their neighbours’ dogs.

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I had posted somewhere like half way back to February that jman’s insults about you vis-a-vis covid were totally off base and that you were one of the most accurate about it in the very beginning when jman was one of the least accurate.

But, “get away with it”? C’mon, we’re all like 40 to 50 years old. No one is getting a spanking and who cares who the mods ban for 1 or 2 days? In addition to random mods, I almost think we should just have random bans and deletions to just make the point that none of this is that important.


I volunteer as tribute

Just leave me out of this please and thanks.

I said above that a day or two away from this forum is no big deal at all and probably no bad thing for most people. But repeated bans will provably see Wookie et al get their way with longer and longer bans, which might not be so well received.

But It obviously matters to people that modding is unbiased when there’s a dispute, come on now. A quick glance at recent events shows you that.

It’s gone beyond a joke when a poster himself thinks he deserves to be banned but the mods decide against it.

I know I’m a mod, but fwiw I wouldn’t have banned any of you and am not going to ban jman just because you were banned.

I don’t think wookie and goofy have the bias that you’re suggesting, but maybe. I don’t know for sure. I do know the bias that mods may or may not have would be far less of a big deal of modship were not permanent.


Couldn’t agree more. The nut of the problem is in appointing people who desperately want to mod, because most of the time it’s for the wrong reasons. What we need is reluctant mods instead.

@skydiver8 and @RiskyFlush seem to have done fuck all recently wrt bans and I congratulate them.

Wookie and goofy on the other hand seems to think they’re still at 2+2.

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