I want more modding, do you?

Next time hold the vote on 2+2? where jman has even more support?

ok that is a joke, I think. The better choice would be the Disney forums!


And include the antagonist as well as the person reacting to the provocation?

I honestly thought the only reason jman didn’t get banned along with the other 3 was because he had stopped a day or two before. Even then, some people thought he also should have caught the 48 hour ban for his part in all of it.

When he came back into the thread today after it had calmed down, and started insulting people and throwing bombs, he should have caught 48 before Marty even had a chance to get wound up.

This isn’t really that hard. Jman even said he was going to vote for the ban himself but he couldn’t vote for some reason.


Even more hilarious is what a fucking colostomy contents of a shit show the two perma-mods have made of this over the last few days, and that they (or one of them anyway) want more power.


I’m in favor of doing whatever it takes to close this issue and move on.


Ban jman for 24, or free Marty. Lock it up.

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Or free Marty and ban Jman for the same length of time that Marty has already served.

The point being made is that agreeing to extra powers for mods when they are demonstrably unable to use that evenly and fairly would be a very bad idea.

If you’re going to temp ban someone at least do it to everyone responsible for it. That was what the heart was for.

I’m sure you knew that anyway.

That should be your under title.


I think that’s probably a good idea.

I’m kinda assuming the “threat” that was alluded to was not serious. I didn’t see it.

Eta: looked at Marty’s deleted posts and saw no threat. I guess the allegation, which has been denied, was that it was in a PM.

Current mood:

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Completely agree. I don’t think we want/need more polls. Instead we want to find a way to put this behind us as quickly and expeditiously as possible. If that means a 24-hour ban for jman, let it be so (either mod imposed or “voluntary”).

While the community generally wants (but apparently not much greater than 50%) to lessen the frequency of personal attacks, this desire should not be construed to be an open call for more moderation. The community response to sporadic assholery (often posted by a mod) of “hey, please tone it down a bit” is appropriate and welcome. Ideally, any temp-bans for not doing so will be very rare.


It’s almost as if the suggestion that there’s a huge in built bias in favour of a group of posters, all of whom are North American, might have some merit.

Well obviously, and I didn’t say otherwise did I?

When you look at the list of offences committed by Jman I don’t see how you can possibly say he made innocent posts that someone overreacted to.

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I started to type something similar to this a few times and just decided not to bother. I agree though.

Where is the list?

I’m not voting because even though I’ve skimmed this thread I still don’t understand why people are mad at each other.

Everyone involved is probably in the wrong in some shape or form.


I’m not TL3. Ouch. I’ve been disenfranchised!

Apparently I need to post more.

You need to not be suspended or have a sufficient number of flags over the past six months.

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lol what’s this? if it’s the same augie, he picked a fight on my FB about Jordan Peterson a few years back but then wouldn’t support or defend his arguments. his best defense was “Jordan Peterson is like a dad to me.” yeah, that’s the entire problem.

I am surprised to be in the purple group as I had assumed, per my earlier statements, my posts were largely in non-political threads.

We can choose colors? Is there some kind of burgundy or purple? Anything in the “wine” range.

I don’t understand how it works. Mine is at “member,” I think? That sounds low.