I want more modding, do you?

I just want to chime in and say the trust level stuff is horrible and should go away

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Nope no notice.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a good idea to enable @-ing potentially hundreds of members with one “tag.”

ETA: Especially not for something like this.

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Lads, nobody noticed in all the drama that we have a turncoat in our midst who snitched out the name of our clique to the yanks?


Strongly disagree, please don’t do this.

I’m with Sensible. The vast majority of members have shown over and over that they don’t want to be involved in this stuff.

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Agreed. The people who have been following this should vote.

The people familiar with the 500 post thread and what’s happened in it SHOULD be the only people we are polling. I’m not sure why some random who has no idea what happened ITT should vote.

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This kind of off-the-cuff mod activity is kind of the opposite of what I intended to achieve when I started this thread.

The 24-hour ban of jman that you are polling about wouldn’t be covered by the policy that I proposed, and that was discussed and voted on by the community.

I’d say if we as a community want to create a penalty for “stirring shit up” or whatever we’re trying jman for, someone should create a similar OP, detailing the proposed change, with a poll, and a few days to discuss.

Personally I’d not be in favor of such a policy (provided everyone could JUST FUCKING DROP IT for once).

ETA: And goofy, I’m not trying to come down on you over this. I appreciate you trying out the new process and navigating the complexities that are arising. I just think, and maybe this is hopeless, if we could put this particular dustup behind us and move on it would be the best approach all around.


Also, I would also like to request that the discussion of the weekend spat and all the continuation of that be moved elsewhere. Or this thread be locked.

I don’t think this thread should become the default dumping ground for any mod-related activity or controversy from now on. Thanks.

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Serious polls can’t be place in mega threads, unless you only want to get results from the people reading the thread. They should be in their own threads.

Honestly, I think that’s pretty dumb. We’re talking about a 24 hour temp ban for behavior in this thread. How can anybody that hasn’t participated even have a valid opinion? It just smells even more like a biased popularity contest. If this was a perm ban for systemic site wide behavior, I would feel differently. It shouldn’t even have to go up for vote anyway.


Ya this is a super serious poll about a 24 hour temp ban.

If the mod is trying to spam half the members of the forum it might be more serious than you think.

It’s possible the mod is wrong to want to bring this outside the thread, which is a point I’ve been arguing.

But fine to ban Marty based on the views of just one person. Got it.

Guess he’s got the wrong passport.

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The invested people are AKA the people who actually know what happened. Versus a sampling of a bunch of other people who have no clue what happened and will vote based on what?

The Celtic and Arsenal fans are letting the performances of their teams get to them.

(I’m an Arsenal fan)

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If the vote is in favour of a jman ban what lessons in modding (if any) will you have learned from this?