I want more modding, do you?

Based on what I’ve read here jman should probably take 24 or Marty should be freed.


Why was Marty banned

What if it’s a sativa strain and instead I “Smoke a blunt and obsess over it until I pass out” :smiley:

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I think since the move from 2+2 then the forum as a whole is even more focused on US politics. That’s only because of the experiences and interests of the posters, but obviously I think it’s a shame. Not because any of you should be different, but because I like posting and reading here but I don’t live in the US. I’d guess that is by far the driver of any general impression of ‘not belonging’ or bias.

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But it sounds like jman misrepresented what happened. And even if it was unintentional, he did it while throwing bombs and stirring shit. Doesn’t matter to me that he then stopped when a moderator asked him to if his shit posting was the primary instigator. Just my opinion.


I hear what you’re saying.

To me, “who started it” is a different conversation than “what do we do as it’s happening.”

Both are worthy. I think it helpful to distinguish the two topics, whereas I see you as conflating them.

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The Arts & Entertainment subforum is growing at a COVID-like rate if you’d like a break from politics :popcorn:

I’m hardly a prolific poster anywhere, but that’s essentially why I’m still here, I think.

Edit - though my post about an 80s French comedy got nothing the other week. Can’t even get that right!

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I’m only biased against smacc because of the memes he posts that are in a language I don’t speak :grin:


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. And it seems like not only did jman misunderstand what had actually happened, (you don’t need to investigate this, he admitted it), but he went about it aggressively and with plenty of insults tossed in. I mean being aggressively wrong is a pretty bad look especially after the thread had finally calmed down. And especially if you happen to be the one person that several others already think should have also been banned in the first place along with the original three.

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Right? For me, part of the disconnect seems to be that I believe

  • Whether I’m justified in taking action is a separate question from what action I take

Whereas others to my reading are saying:

  • If you’re justified in taking action, you’re justified in taking whatever action you see fit

I see this manifesting in those same people worrying that mods will (or are) letting their biases lead to abuses of power. But while it’s true that our biases and preferences unavoidably influence whether we see a cause as worthy enough for us to take action, that is a completely separate question than what action a moderator then takes–or whether they take any action at all.

Some posters, as it were, are telling on themselves by worrying what they would do in such a position to the people they don’t like, but not everyone else is like that. Not everyone else uses their own preferences and positions as an objective barometer the world must recognize as The Truth.

I literally don’t understand any of these threads. Like I cannot get into the mindspace of feeling insulted or really in any way bad about anything anyone could post to or about me on this website. I’m sure half the people on here think I’m some kind of dumb asshole but so what? I attach no meaning to the opinion anyone on this site has about me personally. You guys are free content creators and an audience to hone and show off my rhetorical skills (as meager as they are). But I don’t know any of you and none of you know me. Not to the extent that I would take anything you say about me to heart. That’s probably just me being odd but I think I’m immune from this particular type of problem.

In fact I would like to do some kind of experiment where people relentlessly troll me and try to get me to engage in one of these vendettas because they seem kind of fun. Of course it wouldn’t work because I’m expecting it so maybe in a few months when I’ve forgotten all about this post someone go crazy with personal insults and rudeness and whatever else. If it works that would be an interesting new experience. Then when the first post gets made about us arguing and ruining the forum you can link to this post.


Fuck off you relentless piece of shit

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At its heart, we all want to be listened to and understood, so we see it as an insult when someone doesn’t appear to be making the effort to understand us and instead seems to be misrepresenting what we think we have said.

How much of that is poor reading on their part, how much is bad communication on our part, and how much is outright lying and arguing in bad faith?

Stop the steal! My vote disappeared!


Only here because I was @'d.

Another total joke of moderation…

Jman aggressively insults people, calls into question someone’s mental health, and generally stirs a load of shit up successfully enough to get marty banned.


Forum total lack of bias clear for everyone to see.


Q. How many days ban would I have got without a poll if I’d been Jman (perish the thought)?

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I want more Festive Hats, do you?


Hmmm I just noticed that my hat and antlers are gone.