I want more modding, do you?

Let’s hold off on permaing people. Marty’s a bit heated here, but he’s normally good people.


No way should Marty be perma banned. Hopefully he sees jman’s apology above.


didn’t know it was Marty or what the specific beef is, but creating an account to get around a ban is a srs business offense imo and should not be encouraged

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Unless everything here dissolves today, I’ll read whatever and try to figure it out tonight or tomorrow.

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No perma of a reg ever without a decently promoted and participated in site wide vote is like absolutely crucial. And it should probably be more than 50% required.


This seems to be the just of it @microbet & Jmans posts have mostly been deleted… It was a bit of misrepresentation by Jman in which he has taken the blame for & now offered an apology.

@Marty is good people & with all the drama that’s been ongoing its why I asked marty to take breath just before the explosion & then realised that I may have contributed to it.

I think Marty should be reinstated aslong as he stops swearing at @goofyballer for Atleast 24 hours.

Jman is doing his usual disrespectful self wrt us UK posters, because of Jalfrazi & the C word, because we refused to stop using it on his demand.

(we’ve mostly stopped, I say mostly because it has came up wrt these drama bombs & in some Sarcastic ways during posts in other threads)

So in our own way, we’ve been C**** too & I’m now willing hold out a hand of peace to everyone involved, maybe we can just avoid the petty spats moving forward.

The initial arguments started because imo it’s a centrist V a Left leaning poster & both want to be right.

Or Atleast the most violate of us should avoid threads at certain times…

We don’t need @anon38180840 to be our guardian, we have mods for that.


I do think it’s obvious to me that the UK posters seem to all think that there is some type of a bias against them. I think it is important we hear that and try and resolve it. Empathy and all and we shouldn’t want any of us to feel like their is implicit bias against them. Sometimes people deserve bias due to poor or abusive posting but frankly with some very limited exceptions the vast majority of all posters don’t fit that category. Smacc for example (not to say some of your fellow compatriots don’t fit this bill I am just picking you for one example) I have never seen do anything objectionable. And yet Smacc seems to talk about the same level of bias. That is concerning.


Agreed. We do temp bans precisely for situations like this. It would be wrong to judge marty or anyone else for how we behave in our most heated moments. And I say that even when we believe the situation deserves an impassioned response.

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yea i think its fine now that Jman has apologized but Marty had a valid point imo.


Fair points.

Is this something Smacc and others would be willing to expand on? All I ask is that regardless of disagreement, you give us the assumption of coming to the table in good faith, and we will do the same. There may be differences we are unable to get past, but I’m willing to at least try to find a mutually satisfying solution.

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I’m obviously not trying to be insulting. So I will just say the UK/Ireland posters instead. My bad.


I once got a “You don’t even fucking live here” during a heated discussion, but tempers were running high and it was funny enough for me to spite-like it in good humour. Not aware of any general disdain for non-Americans, haven’t heard any rumours of one either.


Pretty sure there is a lot of jealousy for non-Americans right now to be honest.


Personally I prefer “You’re welcome” but that’s cool too :grinning:

Not sure if acceptable or offensive for our Channel Islands reg.

Yes, we do actually have one (no, I don’t know who it is).

I don’t have history with marty or jman, so I feel neutral, but we all have our own limited lens of perspective. Since marty can’t post right now, I’ll do for him what I would hope another community member would do for me in this situation, and try to present what I see as his perspective. Posts got deleted(which I read because I’m avoiding work right now), and all that, but from what I saw, if I was marty, I’d be nonplussed.

I believe marty had minimum 3 reasons to be so:

  1. jman lumped marty in with a group he labeled the “stupidity posse”.
  2. jman accused that group, which included marty, of talking shit about another poster’s mom. Marty demanded proof and got none.
  3. Minutes later in an apparent face turn, jman said that he is de-escalating…starting now. And that he and marty should mutually ignore each other. But that marty should do it for mental health reasons.

If someone tells a poster that they should mutually ignore each other, but only states that the other poster should do it for mental health reasons…well I would understand the implication if they said that to me.

I will now take the best advice I’ve ever received from the bud-tender at my local dispensary, and “Smoke a blunt, and forget about it”.


On a couple of occasions the usual UK/US stuff has flared up and on 1 occasion that was maddening to me was close to the election where it did get a bit overheated and the same people who were hearting Jmans posts seemed to be all in on the hearting again. Geez these hearts lol.

And because it’s an American site, when a pile on happens it tends to be lop-sided & that’s always going to happen regardless of who’s right because of move volume from American posters, I understand that but @All-InFlynn got attacked recently too which I was surprised to see.

In all honesty & using a bit of logic, it’s normal to be defensive wrt foreign posters wrt the end of trumps term & I think that’s somewhat of the cause.

But we UKer’s haven’t really attacked Americans here, a few memes there, mostly in jest & tbh after the last 4 years & the latest stimulas/eDems shitshow I honestly think we’ve been tame, so there’s been no need for the pile ons when they occur, due to our British stubbornness & (American exceptionalism?) we both find it difficult to give up.


I expected some feeling to come out after Trump was defeated & I believe that’s what’s occurring at the moment wrt these derails.

Unfortunately the UK as a whole does not like being associated with certain uses of the terms “Brits” “British” “Britain” “British Isles” “UK” “United Kingdom” and any other usage.

It may be a small island but we got small minded peoples problems too… :laughing:

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Thanks for that :+1:

I’ve had 1 or 2 bad posts, for 1 I should have took more note of Jmans request of the C word, my bad here.

In moving forward I will do my upmost not to use it as a gesture of good will.



I did? Lemme at the swine!

Ah nvm.

That’s the incident I couldn’t remember correctly in the above… :v: Thanks for clarification.

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