I Voted!

Friends of mine dropped off an absentee ballot n downtown Kansas City and said it wasn’t bad. At least one red state isn’t making it a nightmare.

As long as you can get to a drop box, dropping off a ballot should be just a matter of parking and dropping it off. The problem in lots of places is the scarcity of drop boxes, requiring people to travel hours to get to one.

As much as Georgia loves its voter suppression, the drop box situation is fine (at least in Cobb County, as far as I can tell). We have one at our nearest county government office, which is a few minutes drive. Seems to be the same throughout the county.

I have no idea if the logistics just make it really difficult, but I feel like there should be drop boxes at every county government office, police station, fire station, and post office, or at least most of them. Feels like those would be the most secure places.

there is no absentee ballot drop-off allowed in TN. Mail-in only, and absentee ballots are only permitted for particular reasons, of which “I don’t want the rona” is not one.

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Went back, line was a lot shorter, in and out in 15 minutes.


Have my mail in ballot just need to find time to drive it to the place and put it in the thing

I’m definitely interested to hear trip reports from any unstuckers who live in red states. Or blue if something interesting happens.

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Voted for me and moms yesterday. in 2018 the house race for our district was two Republicans, but this year we got a democrat on the ballot, one time dealer? No idea what the polling is but yeah I highly doubt it lol, I dunno maybe the seniors here our pissed off too?

Regardless hopefully some of the better props pass and we can fund schools and run up the score on Trump.

Can you recall a senator? Maybe I should take a page out of the Republican playbook and set up a lil recall Diane Feinstein booth right next to the recall Gov Newsom booth and get a ton of progressives and Republicans to sign on.




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Voted by mail last week, and they’ve confirmed receipt. Voted for Biden even though it hurt my soul to do so. I don’t think any of the races on my ballot will be competitive except for possibly the referendum on legalizing sports gambling.

I’m really hoping we approve sports gambling, they set up mobile sports gambling, and while they’re at it also set up online poker.


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I’m a rural red county, and there’s a line going around the parking lot on a workday morning

Seriously they need to make voting less confusing. I’ve got to vote on some propositions and I need to know what fire district, water district, school district, and precinct I’m in. Some of the propositions are worded like “were recording the bylaws by number instead of letter and removing subsection. 2A, yea or nah?”. How is any reasonable person supposed to keep up with this stuff at the local level much less anything else?


I mailed my ballot last Friday. It still hasn’t been received yet. I emailed the county registrar to see what’s going on.

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This was a question on my ballot. Insane.

The Florida GOP is pissed people voted to make medical Marijuana legal and for felons to vote. So now they trying to make it so you need to vote on something in 2 consecutive elections.

There were three or four kind of long issues on my ballot, but I just looked them up online to find simpler explanations and see what Dem groups had to say.

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After Pinochet came to power they rewrote the Constitution with the help Chicago School and one of the provisions they kicked around was that anything that increased taxes had to be voted on and pass two consecutive sessions while anything that cut taxes only had to pass once.