I Voted!

I think it originated when we were talking about the “grab em by the pussy” and that he thought that it wasn’t a problem Trump said that etc. I said something like yea women don’t see it that way and you’re not going to come across well by saying its fine. He disagreed lol. I also told him that it made me worried that down the line he would sexually assault a woman because he has no idea about consent obviously. He was again unconcerned.


Then concern him by pointing out that you’re not aware of him being in a steady relationship since he was 18. Honestly though fuck your brother he sounds as bad as mine. The right advice here is to not take him back if he pretends to come to his senses when the world changes. This was indicative of his character.

yea i said in the same convo about the girlfriends and he just said some shit like “i’m picky” and “i do fine” lol.

and agreed and agreed on the rest.

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Baby steps! You’ll have time to work on her for the run-off(s).


Yeah, we’ll def talk to her before the runoffs

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I voted early for the first time. Glad I did because the new digital scanning system seemed to have some snafus checking people in. Might get crazy on Tuesday. Of course there were as always way more booths than people using them. Nice to live in a rich white neighborhood!

I voted straight progressive voter guide on the CA props. I hope nobody’s gaming that thing.

And Jo Jorgenson of course. Go Galt!

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Sounds as bad? Are you not familiar with UP’s own HeritageNotHate? He is wireless’ brother. We don’t have to guess how awful he is. He is documented with words from his own keyboard here!


My GF is progressive and did independent research on all the props first, then we cross-checked her choices with the progressive voter guide and it was 100% alignment. So, I think it’s good.


Glad to hear it. That Uber thing could have ramifications for the whole country.


Yeah. Hopefully Uber/Lyft/doordash/etc, fail miserably on prop 22, but they’re dropping like $150M+ on promoting it. I’ve only seen ads in favor, and a lot of them.


Oh I remember him. My brother is probably at least a little bit worse.

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I’ve always lived in a lock blue state and haven’t voted since 2004 because I both view our two party system as illegitimate and because my vote is not worth the time it takes to cast.

PA finally got around to giving me my ballot today and I was going to vote for Biden. Then I realized that I have decent sized bets on Trump PA arbed with Biden general and I plan to be a billionaire soon, so it’s in my financial best interest to vote for Trump.

Don’t ban me, I actually voted straight D. Really though, If we’re all celebrating flipping TX and PA is irrelevant, I will be rooting for the orange fuck here.
I mainly voted this round because the psychic benefit of telling Trump to go to hell was easily worth my time.

Hiked a couple miles downtown to the dropbox and got that ballot in. It’s slightly uphill from here and I definitely need to get more exercise.


I voted in person this morning, straight D down the ballot. I voted against the CA Prop 22. I want to see these guys be forced to give their drivers health coverage. They can take their ball and go home for all I care, fuck these companies. Postmates has been running ads for prop 22 for weeks now and it’s made me think I should stop using the service.

Some fairly progressive props on the ballot this year. I particularly want to see voting rights restored for felons.


yea, but what portion of millenial women voted for trump?

You’re probably right.

Voted in Illinois. Got my ballot in the mail, walked it a mile to an early voting center and dropped it in the box. Didn’t have to wait in line, took less than a minute once I got to the voting center.

Voted Straight D ticket. Very little interesting on the ballot other than the Fair Tax Amendment, which I voted Yes on. Basically Illinois’s state income tax is written into the constitution that it must be a flat tax. This amendment would repeal that and allow for graduated income tax. I have issues with the spending side of Illinois’s financial situation, but given that Ken Griffin from Citadel has spent millions of dollars opposing the amendment, voting yes is probably the right move.


Went to vote this morning after dropping the kids off to school. The 20 car parking lot was full and the line was out the door. My wife and I decided to go get breakfast and try again later. Lol small white town privilege.


Just got out of the polling place, took 20-30 minutes total. No shenanigans or armed people visible but there was a group of 3 shitbags who refused to wear masks and the right to vote trumps any laws or rules i guess…AMURICA


Voted this morning in Iowa.


In Ohio my mom said that 95% of people were wearing masks thankfully. And they wouldn’t let you in to vote unless you put a mask on at the door (they had some to hand out)