I resign

Miss flipping stuff with you man. Hope you guys are having fun and making money.

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I guess we can just cut to the chase and anonymize goofyballer then?

Give me the examples liar.

We already did this conversation yesterday.

You should come back imo. The market is still shit for the most part but it’s still good times.

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Oh, forgot to put a vince in that one. Let’s go with :vince2:

No we didn’t, you never gave a single example of criticism I deleted that wasn’t a personal attack or a troll account made a few minutes earlier who immediately posted to attack me.

If I was deleting or banning for criticism we’d have a hell of a lot fewer posts here over the last day.

Thanks. Either way none of this is “criticism” and while meb claimed that i was “threatening” you for “criticizing” me i think you’ll agree none of that is true either.

We were all subject to a very impressive troll campaign by meb.

Stating a set of facts might make you uncomfortable and feel like an attack but they aren’t content free. Insults that are true should get more leeway. And if they are in fact objectionable you should flag them and let another mod take care of things involving you.

“Your honor, I am not insulting you, you truly are a heinous piece of shit” is a line to take, but not a good one.

Which post are you talking about? Let’s be really specific so everyone here can see exactly what you’re claiming to be a victim over.

Do you think he thinks i just threatened you because you criticized me, or i did so yesterday when i asked Effen to stop cursing?

because he pmed me that exact message.

Since there is no way you think meb honestly read it this way (i dont either), there really isnt any other conclusion.

how is anyone to show a post that was deleted? asking for a friend

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Yeah but that nickname really only works if jman is talking about locking people up or something, when it’s flung at him as an insult to imply he’s racist it’s just lazy trolling taking advantage of a small piece of personal information.

Tell me which poster you’re referring to. Any other mod can still see what was deleted. There’s enough that aren’t a fan of me right now that will call me out if I’m lying.

I’m not referring to anyone. you’re asking someone to show proof from a post that was deleted. they don’t seem to be able to do that without being a mod so the ask would seem to be unfair

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You deleted posts and banned swanky and jbro (i think? Might be mistaken on the 2nd person identity) yesterday i think? I asked you to let other mods handle issues directly addressing you.

I thought that was the norm, but potato might say i lost my shit at it.

Do you think that request is wrong?

Wait, there’s another forum where all the cool kids post? Sigh, I guess my invite got lost in the mail. Again.

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I apologize for mischaracterizing your reaction yesterday, I remembered you having a stronger response.

Nice little Saturday you all have going here