I resign

He disagreed, he did not contact you, you took action within 5 seconds and i wrote that we should keep the previous norms intact.

That was “losing my shit”. Good honest posting here by my fellow mods.

Yesterday i asked a user, without deleting, editing or banning, to stop cursing after 2 consecutive posts where he called former members in different derogatory names. You immediately wrote “look whos silencing criticism now”.

None of this makes sense. The only way to even begin to explain yours (and now potatos) posts is an organized plan against the community.

Unfortunately no rule in place that said a mod couldn’t ban him anyway. And you’re referring to a poll where more people voted to permaban than not, and some of the no votes (including my own) were just an attempt to appease you guys and avoid further attacks.

I mean, this.

It’s a complete troll for meb or anybody else to argue that his “mandate” to ban church, who was unnamed in his campaign (only CN was named) was stronger than a very current failed vote to perm church.

I’m sorry we have lost this incredibly valued community member that no one ever heard of, who posted 10 times in 2 years and generally only to cause drama.

This is the type of shit that is absurd. Why is there even a second thought being given to something like that? Let alone arguing what an egregious overstep I made.

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When did this happen?

I never mentioned anything about him. I said lets keep the norm. Potato brought it up as a way to show “i lost my shit”. He even linked it where you can see my exact reply.

I get that in the trolling game you win by causing any interaction. I admire your campaign. It just saddens me.

This is what a fellow mod just described as losing my shit. Then another fellow mod said -i- was bringing it up:

What did i ever do to you guys to deserve the trolling campaign i dont know, but good on you.

Because they wanted to be deleted not anonymized and somehow it’s a big deal if the posts they wanted to be deleted are now attributed to poster anon02654845 or whatever instead.

On discord.

So that gives him an immunity idol or something? Also it was >50% yes to ban, but I guess it’s an obvious norm that it must be 70% or whatever.

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Is anonymizing posters irreversible?

Yes. I thought briefly they could be fixed by just renaming the user again but Discourse’s official resource says that anonymization prevents logging in.

This is a great example of the kind of posting I’m talking about though, so thanks for that.

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Not sure if this is actually workable.

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Who gives a fuck about the rules. We’ve seen there are no actual rules here. There is only common sense and helping the community. You badly misread the mood of the forum which had been angling for peace and no bans. Then you doubled down on it by imo doing something 10x worse than what jmakin did. Again, just really confused about the reaction you expected.

Ha? I never hid the fact that i also post there. So do many other users here. I was never really a recipient of these weird shot attempts, but like i’ve mentioned in a previous interaction, you should really leave the funnies to the pros.

As always, I’m not sure if you’re ignorant or trolling but the user you banned had been on 2p2 since the early 2000’s, had months of read time here and thousands of likes given out. It’s also someone you purged from discord as retaliation for making you look bad here.

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None of that is true. You are also yet again trolling a thread with irrelevant drivel so please stop here unless you intend to add something to the discussion on Meb’s modding.

You sure are sensitive about any criticism.

Yuv you should probably just delete Goofy’s post and temp him, as is precedent.
