"I never thought they would eat MY face" A thread for Leopards and their victims


Melkerson mentioned we should have a thread for this and Im always down for some good schadenfreude, so feel free to post any examples here of people getting their faces eaten by the leopards they voted for.

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I can’t find link to this in English other than paywalled stuff from Haaretz but

The Department is also sanctioning Yitzhak Levi Filant (Filant), the civilian security coordinator of the Yitzhar settlement in the West Bank. Although Filant’s role is akin to a security or law enforcement officer, he has engaged in malign activities outside the scope of his authority. In February 2024, he led a group of armed settlers to set up roadblocks and conduct patrols to pursue and attack Palestinians in their lands and forcefully expel them from their lands.

this guy was attacked today by dozens of masked Settlers teenagers attempting to burn down Palestinian houses as he tried to calm them down. He was forced to fire his weapon in the air to escape.

I think this fits

One area of frustration for many Black Republicans was speculation that if Trump did nominate an African American to his administration, it would be at HUD, the department that has had the most Black secretary appointments of any.

One Black Southern Republican told ABC News, “Why is every Black person given HUD?” adding that it was “the literal Black job of the administration.”

So surprised that someone who campaigned on naked racism would be nakedly racist in assembling his cabinet.

I’m really looking forward to this thread and hope it reaches 6 figures with maximal pain


Housing and Urban Development


well in trump’s case, it’s because it has the word “urban” in it

This clown defended Trump after that whole hurricane sharpie debacle. He’s a Climate Change denier even though he knows it’s real. Pretty sure Biden fired him on Jan 20th, 2021. Anyway, he has real concerns about Project 2025 and getting rid of NOAA.

More please

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r/LeopardsAteMyFace is going to provide a lot of quality content for this thread


Remind me again how many veterans voted for Trump?


All of them.

Going to be hilarious to watch this in real time.

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This deal was never going through. Biden and Kamala also opposed it.

Why are they not reporting who this bloke voted for? Did I just miss it in the article?

Not political, but you know this guy had the typical sense of entitlement and can’t even fathom he was held accountable for his actions.

“The biggest gut punch,” Yousif told The Detroit News. “Just waking up and seeing that email and not being able to talk to somebody in person, it was a terrible feeling. I don’t have my chance to give my side of the story or anything.”

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Lol, I saw someone complaining about that on Reddit just now. These people have no clue how anything works.


“just found out . . .” The leopard’s aim is swift and true.


Unfortunately like 80% of the leopard-face-eating posts I’ve seen on reddit since November, including this one, probably belong in /r/thathappened instead.


That was my first thought as well. Chances of being real are about 2%


LOL 2%. Maybe like 0.02%. Even that might be generous.

“Just found out…”
“setting up a similar contracting business in El Salvador”
and the reason is not because they’re going to get deported, it is because “they will not continue doing job at our agreed price”.

Come on.

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