I have been accused of being a fraud...

This place isn’t facebook just yet.

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Cuse you are a good person and usually a good poster, but you take things way too seriously. The volume of posts is also a bit much at times.


gonna go out on a limb here and say Cuse don’t just take things too seriously, but also enjoy the “spotlight” and seek it.

I would do too if i was carrying 12” around though.

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This place doesn’t have to be like the rest of the Internet.

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Ponied. This is what acceptable toxicity looks like.

I don’t think that’s hair dye. It looks like it’s transmission fluid leaking out of his brain.

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I like Skydiver, (and I’m positive you cannot find any negative interations that I’ve had with her), and have had had many altercations with jal. And I don’t think his question was unfair at all, even if it could have been asked better.

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Alternatively, we could have directed the conversation in the appropriate direction. But unfortunately, questioning any service member is never appropriate. We must kiss their asses and thank them for their service at all times. Please stand and honor this anonymous nobody. Frankly, fuck that.

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Nobody ever said that anything of the sort here that I ever read. Why are you struggling to accept the obvious reality that this spot doesn’t have two reasonable sides?


Are you kidding me? You actually posted some extreme nonsense with rules about how we should appropriately discuss this with service members. I tried to tell you to fuck off but the thread was locked.


Dude this fight we are in now is entirely about language. I am not dying on the hill of how Americans on average feel about the military. I want them to hear me out when I’m talking about foreign policy not tune me out and think about how dare I call their insert random family member here a bad person.

This urge to bludgeon people who disagree with your rightness is not a good one. It stands at odds with actually getting anything done.

If you want to talk to them about how all military people aren’t hero’s the right way to message it is to say something like “I know it’s politically correct to say that all the troops are heroes but my cousin Jimmy served and he’s just about the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met”… And proceed from there.

That conversation results in swapping stories about veterans being assholes. Anyone who ever lived anywhere near a military base has stories.

You see how I use the term politically correct there? That’s a great term for retooling.

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I’m not really sure what to say. Do you find these threads fun? I think maybe you do, in which case carry on. The other option is to just move on. edit: [two posters] were monumental a-holes for no reason the first time I interacted with each of them, so I just don’t interact with them any more. I just don’t respond to any of their posts.

Seen now this is bogus. Because there is never a time to discuss this. There is no appropriate way to discuss this. It’s always “disrespectful” or “not appropriate”. It honestly reminds me of the “this is not the right time to talk about gun laws” bullshit we hear every time another hundred kids just got slaughtered.


I feel like most posters are okay with being disrespectful to faceless veterans in general so long as you can do so without being an asshole to specific posters on here (unless it’s someone who deserves it, like Ins0).

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holy shit who cares


I don’t think it’s being disrespectful to discuss this. Unless for some reason reality is somehow disrespectful.

I’m glad you made this bragblog about how great you’re doing, because I support you. I also appreciate that you wrote it in a combative tone because otherwise it would probably be kinda boring. So, well done overall.


Are you serious? This bullshit of not being able to question anything about military service is exactly how the propaganda spread and became a huge cancer in the US.




Wrong thread.