I guess we need a Summer Olympics thread…?

Final torchbearers will be Gael Monfils and Nicholas Mahout, obv.

They carry a thing that Snoop Dog touched. What an honor!

At least they didn’t make Carl Lewis jog, he looked to be in rough shape.

Think he may have simply never been on a boat before.

Guess it will be Arc de Triomphe? Google shoes all roads to there on lockdown.

Why hand it off if you’re just gonna jog there anyway?

Is that the Hindenburg?

Doubt it, too far away at this pace they’re going.

WOAT cauldron?

Ok, it’s getting cooler. That’s actually kinda neat if that just hovers over the city for 2 weeks.

Nope, one of the flying water tankers Trump sent to put out the Notre Dame fire.

They could’ve just had this tanker cauldron near the Eiffel Tower so the athletes could see it.



I watched the live version in Canada on the CBC and now the primetime version they cut so much stuff including much time of the drag shows and the whole mmf scene.

omg, they literally took the best hour of the entire opening ceremonies from the live version and cut it out. The editing was a complete disgrace.

Dead headless Marie Antoinette make the cut? (heh)

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at least that did, but pretty much everything else got cut. They barely showed the drag shows, they cut Carmen, they cut the entire love scene including the menage a trois. They showed only about 4 seconds of the horse on the submarine. I was bragging about how incredible the opening ceremonies were while half watching while working. Then in primetime it’s been awful.

edit: They cut Sandstorm and M83 too…uggh.

How does one watch the uncut opening ceremony now? All I can see the is the frankenstein NBC one

no idea, in Canada our Olympic coverage is normally incredible. However these openic ceremonies I was watching while simultaneously trying to work and was flabbergasted at how incredible they were… then our broadcast cut all the good parts when I watched in primetime with my wife and friend who drove in to golf tomorrow. It was especially bad after I bragged at how incredible they were. I’m sure the US broadcast missed all the drag show content and menage a trois stuff too.

every 4 years i become a canadian via the wonders of modern technology.

Was going to post that Celine Dion is a freak and a very weird dude but I think I heard that she had health problems or something so that would be unkind. Confirmed can sing tho.