How Old Are You (now with How Tall are You poll in post 92)

Yeah, who wants to be young when your body is likely in peak physical shape? So much better now that everything is starting to noticeably break down and hurt. AMA about having tennis elbow for the past 3 months. Or not being able to kneel without pain. Or struggling to stand back up when I sit down after a day of moderate labor. Just all around fantastic stuff happening after 40.


The last time I was single, so age 38/39, I dated within a ~30 year age range. Everything from a 21 year old, to a woman who didn’t tell me her age but my guess is that she was 48-52. The funny thing was that the 21 year old was more mature than a lot of the women who were in their 30’s.

My jaded take is that people who daydream about returning to their 20s project their current mind and accumulated experience coming along for the ride. This is clearly a violation of the space time continuum unless you get stabbed by a Nausican and Q gives you a second chance. Amor Fati.


Of course, is there any other way to fantasize about it?


I don’t know makes sense. If you look at 2p2 starting to emerge 15 years ago that puts the group at 20-35 at that time.

I like getting old lol

What about Sean Connery exactly?

I’ve been watching basically everything Tony Bourdain has ever done lately. Watching him age from 44 to 61 is fascinating and horrifying. I swear men hit a certain age where our facial features just balloon and we get all puffy like John C Reilly. It’s like male menopause or something.

I noticed it with my friend’s dad around age 60. I saw him about once a year and he noticeably aged each year. From 30-55 he barely changed.

So we got that going for us.

I actually remember reading 2+2 in 2001. Strange to think that I would want to read a poker forum at the age of 9 but there you go.

Btw where is the how tall are you thread?

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If you’re my age and this doesn’t give you a boner you may be dead. Or female.

This helped me. Shelly put his Yale course on Death on YouTube for free. He articulates my fears in ways that escaped me. And he offers such persuasive ways of thinking of death that release me from conflict over the knowledge that I will die, because now I know what it means to live, what it means to die, and why I would not want to live forever.


I’m going on a Cuse level burn it all down rampage if this ever exists.


I am the perfect height.

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The perfect height is just shy of the perfect height

I’m two inches away from being two inches away.

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Since you all must be curious, I will reveal it. Imagine it printed on this card:


six foot two and three-quarter inches



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Yeah but if the first guy had a beard, and maybe a raised eyebrow…

The first guy is going to slay. The second guy can too, but he has to be Sean Connery. If he’s not he’s just grandpa who smells a little like his own pee.


I’ve never seen the research on the perfect height, but I must have it. One thing I have noticed is that every guy that I have ever seen who is taller than me is truly objectionable - generally both dimwitted and strange looking. Granted this is a small sample size. Conversely, men who are shorter then me all seem fine. I guess? Never really thought about it tbh.

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Are we still talking height here?

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