How Old Are You (now with How Tall are You poll in post 92)

Only under 30s I know of are me and Cactus lol

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I am 32 in a few weeks, science willing. God it already feels old. I dont even wanna know how I’ll feel in 20 years

Well, I might be slightly older than you, but at best you’re 1/3 in your guesses.


Awful news but am grateful to have the update. One of my favorite professors from pharmacy school and a minor legend (mostly of his own making) in the field also passed away at the end of the year.

Yeah, the FSD raise concept lost a lot of people in the low stakes forum a lot of money I think just due to not applying it well. Lots of people putting in a FSD raise on the turn with middle pair or like bottom pair and gutter on a drawy board and then never ever folding to a 3bet and river bet.

Sigh. I miss poker.


The FSD can work in NL as well, but the plan there is more for bluff equity.

So is 37 the median age then? Nice, just hit that in September. Was 21 sitting at home on christmas break watching WSOP re-runs, thinking it would be fun to try. Read some articles online, tried the free money sites, and realized pretty quickly that free-money wasn’t any sort of actual competition. Then I remembered I was 21 and lived 30 minutes from a casino. I went that night, and the rest was history.


I did and I’m 35.

Close enough maybe?

Or gained one in some cases lol

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We should do this poll again next January, predicting we’ll be a year older on average


I joined in 2004 right after my 18th birthday

Makes sense, it probably took the olds longer to connect through their AOL accounts


postponing death appears to be a popular goal


Better looking. More athletic. Less conservative. Better pop culture taste.


That’s not it. Yuv was right.


I’m not giving you better pop culture taste, but 3 out of 4 aint bad.

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Lots of people look better as they age. But I’m partial to older women so maybe I am a little biased.

When I was 20 years old I probably only considered women between about 19 and 22 dateable and attractive. And most women Over 23 don’t want to date a nineteen-year-old anyway. Not that I am in the dating market, but there’s probably about 25 years of range now instead of three.

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17 to 42?

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Joking, I know, but I was thinking like 33-58.

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If I could freeze at any age 53 would be fine. But, I don’t want to be 73 in 20 years

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Happy early dead birthday!