Comfortable saying more about this? How bountiful is this safety net?
What are your hobbies?
What would you contribute to the world if money didn’t matter?
Sports, movies, TV, getting angry at Dems on the internet. Nothing that really can make money.
I’ve thought of the “if you could have any job in the world tomorrow what would it be” question and I honestly don’t have an answer. I guess maybe a content creator but I’m not creative enough to do that and it would be easier to win the lotto than earn a living doing that these days.
I was a stats major once because I like sports stats but Calc 2 kicked my ass since I took Calc 1 3 years earlier and didn’t remember a thing. Plus every dude in his 20s wants to go into sports analytics.
My parents wouldn’t let me be homeless
I’ve thought about politics but you all see how terrible I am at arguing with those I disagree with.
What kind of content? Are you writing or producing anything that reflects the kind of content you’re drawn to?
How bored are you willing to be for this kind of job?
When you say you’re not creative enough, what do you mean? Your ideas suck? You don’t know enough about craft for your ideas to mean anything? You only create when inspired?
Thoughts on boiling oats transportation?
I’d snap do that in a second.
I don’t have ideas. I’ve come up with 1 TikTok idea in 2 years.
What would you do that’s creative?
Are you a hack? Someone gives you an idea and you can spin it into gold?
(note I do not think it’s bad to be a hack, I’ve been one/hired many)
I’m gonna have to look at this book sometime as that’s the boat I’m probably going to end up in (I’m screwed and I know it, just trying to delay the inevitable of some job I’m miserable at that doesn’t pay much as long as possible). (coding was my first choice in college but I just wasn’t good enough at it in the end)
I would strongly advise quitting your current job until you can at least get a semi-plausible answer to this question and a strategy for executing that plan.
The job market has sucked these past few years and it’s gotten at least an order of magnitude worse during the COVID-19 situation.
Do enough at your job to not get fired, and develop a plan for your future self.
It’s a good book and a quick read. The main argument is that “do what you love” isn’t actually good advice when seeking out a fulfilling career. Instead do something you are good at that’s worth doing (lots of jobs are not worth doing).
I already knew that part, the challenge is finding something someone will pay me for that doesn’t piss me off most of the time.
So that’s what George R R Martin has been doing while HBO fucked up his books.
I think that question is the wrong one to answer. The real question is what can you do really well that provides some kind of use or benefit to other people. If the answer is “nothing” or “I don’t know,” which is may well be, then that’s really the problem that you are going to solve, either by learning how to do something that is useful to others or by learning more about what application your abilities have in the world.
Maybe it’s a good time to be a street medic, or citizen journalist.