How dumb would it be to quit my job during a pandemic?


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Yeah maybe keep working but spend half my shift in the bathroom like some people here.


If you feel something is bad for your mental health, it is by definition. If you decide to quit… quit first in your own mind. That should take the weights off your head. Then you still get to physically quit on your own timing, and in your own way.

There’s something to be said for keeping it a secret from the bosses to squirrel away X paychecks, then switching to DGAF mode… where you show up when you feel like, and do what you care to when you get there (assuming no safety issues or unduly burdening rank-n-file left behind).

A pandemic is also a really good time to use up part of that 1yr savings and do some very serious navel gazing about what you actually might want to do in life.


I had 15 years in IT, one of the hottest sectors in the last couple of years and it took me close to 2 years to find something paying 2/3 what I used to make. If it’s not Glen Gary Glen Ross levels of bullshit wait till you have something else lined up. And figure out what you want to do or improve your skill set so you aren’t competing with younger versions of you.


Kerowo basically said everything I was thinking plus more when I read your OP.

So I guess my advice would be to listen to Kerowo.

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Moar info. What manufacturing? Where do you live? Can/will you move? What do you want to do? Any other skills? How old are you? The moar the better. How much $ do you make?

Making manifolds to go in machinery

Upstate NY

I would love to

Not work the rest of my life especially in a shit job



Maybe like 35k before taxes

If you’re trying to track me down and kill me I’m happy to provide the address.


Yeah I do have a good work ethic. I’m very competitive so I like being the best even at my crappy jobs. Kinda hard to prove that to people hiring though.

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I guess you haven’t read yet about how flushing toilets aerosolizes fecal matter that can contain coronavirus? 2020, the hits keep coming!

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Well yeah, some creativity might be required. If it were me, I’d become a the preeminent expert on pandemic safety at my place of employment. I would document and report all violations to the proper authorities, and I would refuse to work in any area that wasn’t in full compliance.


Don’t quit yet, look for something better first and see what you find. If you haven’t found anything better in a reasonable amount of time, decide then with the full understanding of what the decision really means.

Also, if you really hate it, give yourself some kind of a time limit to start executing an exit plan.


Stop doing that at a place you hate working for. Just be good enough.


Yeah it’s tough to dcide what you wan to do with your life, but it’s a tough thing worth doing. Quite a few ex-poker players found this book helpful in deciding what to do with their lives:

Your library might have an e-book copy.


Start networking now. Your next job will most likely be because of who, not what you know.

I’m a headhunter who specializes in manufacturing, engineering and operations leadership roles. Probably a couple steps above what you currently do, but would be happy to review your resume/LinkedIn, and/or discuss networking strategies.

DM(or whatever it’s called on this site) me, if you want.


Do you have any sort of degree, tab?

got anything for disgruntled paper industry process engineers?

No degree, some college. Probably close to an associates maybe.

Would suggest adding school to the list of possibilities then. It really is never too late. And since you have some credits, starting with an associate’s would be relatively easy and inexpensive and get you going in a direction that you’re interested in.

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What’s your rent plus utilities?

What’s your minimum standard of living? One bedroom apartment by yourself? What family do you have living where?