Hot takes with FriskyLush

They say wisdom begins with reflection. Let it begin.


My friend Lush has all sorts of hot takes and cold takes. The thermostat will adjust according to the price of coal.


Occasionally pushing yourself to have a new experience increases the depth and intensity of your engagement with the things that make up your normal routine.

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Our biggest conflicts come from

  1. Trying to convince people to care when they already do
  2. Trying to convince people to care when they never will

Luke warm. Let’r rip!

Frisky’s takes are likely to get hotter as his inner sanctum fills with hot air.



Pie with a slice of cheese:

Savory pie: awesome
Sweet pie: awful

If you wear Airpods for even a second–that includes if you’re making fun of someone–you are a moron. Remove yourself from all of existence.

Not sure I understand. Do you mean “missing” in whatever manner I interpret the question?

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Was that your last gasp as you did so?

Lol no AirPods GOAT, easily one of my fav possessions since I got them


As someone who has never worn them, only made fun of them, I have to disagree.

What is missing?

Almost everything. We make the most of what remains or yet will be.

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If you are someone that wore wired headphones or earbuds a lot, AirPods are amazing.

Do I need an iPhone to use them?

About 12 if his taste in films and music are anything to go by. :rofl:

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Wired are superior cuz you don’t have to charge them

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Nah no way, wires are such a royal pain in the ass, guess it depends on when/where you use them but I like to move around with them and not having the wire get in the way is big

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