Holiday traditions, gift ideas, hot takes, and airing of grievances

I didn’t know Pokémon cards were still a thing, does he play Pokémon Go? That game was awesome

You gave up your one time to your own kid? No one has ever done this before :face_with_monocle:

Nope. Entire storyline excised with surgical precision. Like a terrible derail excised by a skilled mod.

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Kids watch tv. I’ll allow it. :grin:

I try to accomplish things that need a lot of focus between the holidays, much easier to do when there’s no one around to interrupt you. This year I need to write an SOP, should be able to knock off most of it in three days with no constant stream of meetings disrupting my train of thought.

I have to do 40 hours of continuing education each year to keep my actuarial accreditation. My normal Xmas schedule in the Before Times was to head into the office during the holidays and crank out a solid 25 hours of CPD.

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My older daughter, who is half Jewish but was raised Christian, is having a Jewish Greenwich Village Christmas with her Jewish bf at his parents’ home. Breakfast was:

She said they have a restaurant lasagna in the freezer and I’m hearing rumors they may assert our birthrights for Asian take-out for dinner.

It’s just me and the dogs this year so we decided on a new tradition of homemade mush/pepp pizza


I’ve got my dad here for x-mas because we are the safest house of my siblings and he really couldn’t be alone this year, his first without my mom in something like 55 years. Anyway, I set up a Teams meeting that my family joined from about 6 or 7 different houses with groups from 2 to 5 or 6 at each house. My dad was upset that everybody got together without him, and it took a while to explain that they were all at different houses. Getting old is a helluva drug…


My sister texted me that my Dad’s ex-wife is trying to get back together with him and steal all his money and I need to talk some sense into him.

It doesn’t get any more Jewish Christmas than that unless it came with an order of Wonton Soup…


The ghost of 2+2 Christmas’s past would say your post is useless without pictures.



Yup. Yesterday through tomorrow.


Here we go

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Should get it graded probably

Just macked some 'xmas crack ’ from the folks. Toffee / brittle type underside with chocolate and nuts on top.


Alright my mom and brother constantly argue so I’m going to see if I can live blog their arguments today for you while I’m stuck in the middle.

Currently they are arguing over sharpening knives???

My brother decided to say “I hope you don’t talk to me like you talk to ((your boyfriend))”

And now they’re freaking out at each other.

Earlier they argued over breakfast, that he wasn’t opening presents fast enough, what to watch on tv, they argued over presents he didn’t like, my mom accidentally wrote my name on half his presents and he teased her about that and she said she’s never doing anything nice for him ever again, and one time he apologizedafter a long silence to which turned into its own argument.

It’s insane.

Anyways Merry Christmas everyone!


Bro: Should I open this cheese plate
Mom: Yeah that’s a good idea. Someone should do it

Literally next words

Mom: you should take all your clothes back if you don’t like them

mass argument

Bro: I said I’m sorry, now knock it off, if you’re going to be like this I’m leaving
Mom: leave me alone!
Bro: what did I do? Tell me what I did??

Just insanity. It will never end.


Ha ok now my mom has left instead?!

“I’m tired of being put down all the time” and then she slammed the door and left her own 1bd apartment in the middle of making apps for us to watch during the football game.

Sucks man but I appreciate the live blog. How old is your bro? And it’s he younger or older than you? These questions are just for my own curiosity. Anyway, enjoy the apps and the games and merry Christmas