Holiday traditions, gift ideas, hot takes, and airing of grievances


Like, what was Grimes’ plan if his “best” “friend” opened the door?

“Hey, mate, how’s it going? Why do you have a bunch of 2 by 3 foot posters tucked under your arm”


For about 25 years now, Christmas Eve dinner has been Indian food. Started with a group of friends in Seattle 25 years ago at India House in the U district, and I kept it going with my family now.

Lamb saag and butter chicken, yum!


Not a difficult butchering job. Use your hands more than a knife. Paper towels really help to dry and hold.

My brother loves the filet. I’ll cut one up for him whenever they are on sale, then freeze the individual steaks. I usually cut small 6 oz portions as they are easier to thaw and cook. The scraps and little pieces (French would call Tournedos) are great fun.
This guy does a pretty good job, but I’ve seen better

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I got a Costco tenderloin for Thanksgiving and it’s incredible value if you can get over the fear of trimming it. Watch a few YouTube videos, it’s not that hard.

If you cook the whole tenderloin at once, go low and slow. 275 in the oven until the internal temp hits 125-130, then rest for 30 mins and either pan sear or broil.

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Really wish my industry (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) would just take the last 2 weeks of December off. Some firms close, most people take vacation, and hardly anything gets done anyways. Should just be an industry wide tradition to close.

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I finally woke up and decided not to take PTO. Nobody is working and nothing is happening, why burn vacation when you’re already not doing any work?


I’m currently taking my 3rd day off this year, good times.

Here’s a hot take: I can’t stand children. Especially my nephew. As a child he was a complete spaz, always needed to be center of attention, interrupted people, never shut up. I saw him and my sister maybe once a year.

I’ve been talking to my sister the most ever in 20 years in our attempts to get PS5s. In the end she inevitably asks if I’d like to play games with her kid, now 13. Is it “worth it”? Do kids/boys change/grow up by that age?

Man I hated that kid.

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Agreed. I didn’t take any PTO but I did even less work than I have been doing, which hasn’t been much.

I turned on my computer in the morning and have moved the mouse every now and then lol.

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From a distance he sounds like garden-variety ADHD. I could see finding him irritating and exhausting, but hatred?

Well “hated being around him” so… Yes.

The imprint of 2020 seems like it would have to to be massive as long as things don’t get worse, which they probably will, so who knows.

That’s been my strategy for years. I usually use the time to clean shit up and get ready for the new year. Although this year I had time I was going to lose so I took some plus we close for 11 days on top of that so Ive got about 2 weeks off.

A selection of Christmas music:

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My kid just opened up a pack of Pokémon cards and pulled the literal rarest Pokémon card in existence, apparently only a few hundred in the whole world, quick googling indicates this thing is somehow worth over $1,000.

Hopefully my kid continues running this hot in life.


Riverman curse skips a generation?


I like working holidays for the same reason. Hate NYE so I always work that one. Will end up with one of Christmas Eve/Christmas/Thanksgiving. Usually little nonsense comes into the ER so I don’t have much to do.

The market for Pokémon cards is going to crash before the end of the week.