Help Desk

There is probably something available. Take a look on and see if something there seems promising, with the caveat that we’ve not had good luck with 3rd party plugins. I’m going to be much more amenable to something official that’s maintained by the discourse team

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Looks interesting, I suppose there is a conversation to be had for where the events would live; either in here or in their own thread but I think in this thread wouldn’t hurt the conversation very much.

If people are interested in testing this out lets pick a time this weekend and watch the first episode of Altered Carbon S2 or Spenser Confidential or something.

I’ve enabled the Time/Date button on Neutral and Grey, but the other themes are remote and I don’t want to mess with them because I don’t really know how you have all that set up.

When I’m catching up I often open individual posts in new tabs that I want to reply to later. Sometimes I even start a reply but switch to another before finishing the first. If I do this, I get

“Draft is being edited in another window. Please reload this page.”

popups that make the site unusable until I close everything out. Is there a way to turn that off?

Whatever this plugin is it autoplays, which is a bad choice, is there a way to configure it so it doesn’t at the user or site level?

Works for me, having unexpected videos start blaring is a step back to the 00’s… I’ve only seen it twice so it’s not like it is being used a lot.

I already killed it earlier this afternoon after it annoyed me one too many times.

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Can we make the likes infinite? I used up mine in the movie thread last night and now it makes me want to rage every time I try to like a post

Jeez, I’ve already increased it twice, and you’re at TL3 so you get a double allowance too. That’s 200 likes a day. You think these things grow on trees? Back in the old country we didn’t have any likes at all. We had to make a full reply and type :heavy_plus_sign::one: manually.


I was on Wire’s side but 200 a day? Raise your standards!

I have Ins0 on ignore but (some of) his posts are still displayed for me. I prefer not to see them.

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Access Denied

while trying to load /groups/inso0000000.json

Something went wrong.

Edit: Was able to join via menu-> Groups


Now for the moment of truth… did it work?

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Usually it’s a combination of your phone being lazy and the internet trying to protect your privacy.

Lazy phone doesn’t want to actually rotate the image because this requires processing power, so it adds a a tag saying “rotate me” instead.

However, these tags (exif) often contain lots of personal and potentially sensitive data, sometimes even including the exact gps coordinates where the pic was taken. So most modern software (like Discourse) strips those tags on upload.


Figure out which orientation your phone considers to be the default and only take pics that way, or find a way to edit your photos.



Has the way to do this changed? I don’t have that circle by the “New Post” button. Thanks.

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There should be a little alarm bell in that same location now for both mobile and desktop. You need to be in the category you want to track for it to appear, like here: Politics & News - Unstuck Politics Forum

It won’t show up on the front page of the forum.

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Thanks - I think I’m confused on how the categories watch. For instance, in the politics category, I’m “Watching” which I think should show me the bubbles with new posts. However, I only have these bubbles for some threads.

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Thanks - I’ll try that.

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