Healthcare USA #1

This is absurd

I just found out that Austin Community College wonā€™t be offering insurance to students after 2019 so my plan to get affordable insurance is ruined. A tiny voice in my head started screaming at me to move to Costa Rica not even going to lie.

Run for some shitty local office the insurance is great I hear

Iā€™m counting the days.

Morphine did absolutely nothing to take the edge off the pain of a dislocated hip waiting 7 hours to be reduced. I can see why drugs like fentanyl exist.

Because the Democratic establishment doesnā€™t want universal health care.

How have people not caught on to this yet?


This. But also like, itā€™s not even necessarily for nefarious reasons. I think a lot of them probably genuinely buy into propaganda theyā€™ve been fed by insurance companies and other corporate dems their whole lives.


Yeahā€¦ letā€™s all try to remember that the only polls that matter right now are the Iowa/NH ones and Warren is crushing thoseā€¦ and sheā€™s running the best campaign so is likely to just keep going. Thereā€™s a good chance this primary is a lot less competitive than weā€™re all assuming.

Warren is a lot of things but an establishment anything isnā€™t one of 'em. Thereā€™s a decent chance that Trump continues to melt down going into 2020 and this is the worst election for the GOP in American History. Thatā€™s not as unlikely as a lot of you seem to think. Itā€™s probably at 20% likely to happen right now.


Friendly reminder that the GOP actually gained two senate seats less than 10 months ago.

On the 2018 map that constitutes a landslide. Those were the Dem wins from 2006 (a huge blue wave election) and 2012 (a general election in which Barry O obliterated Mitt Romney).

Jesus Christ thatā€™s what I call getting squeezed. I know a guy with a family of six that always complains about getting hammered by insurance costs. That is, when heā€™s not busy doing QAnon research on chan sites. He and his wife are the most reliable Trump votes ever.

Me: Medicare For All.
Them: Yes, but whoā€™s going to pay for it?
Me: Rich people, you dumbasses.
Them: [hesitation followed by some gobbly-gook response]

Itā€™s that moment of hesitation after you say rich people thatā€™s always the best part. I can see it in their eyesā€“itā€™s like a galaxy brain, life-flash-before-your-eyes moment where a thousand thoughts burst into their pea-sized brains.

ā€œWait, what if Iā€™m rich some day?ā€
ā€œWait, that means black people get free shit.ā€
ā€œWait, what if the economy crashes because the job creators say ā€˜fuck itā€™ and move to Somalia?ā€
ā€œWait, that means black people get free shit.ā€


Humbly seeking help

Iā€™m a fairly private and humble person. On November 2nd, 2018 my life took a drastic turn. I had a major stroke and required emergency life saving surgery. I had a whole in my artery from a car accident that happen 5 months prior. I am extremely thankful to the wonderful doctors and nurses at Little Company of Mary that saved my life. I not only survived my stroke, but I also came out of ā€œLocked Inā€ syndrome which is another astounding win.

After spending 5 days in the ICU I was released from the hospital. I spent the next 3.5 months working from home and teaching myself how to type so I could continue working remotely.

On January 10th, I welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world. I was happy and scared at the same time. I love spending time with her and watching her discover new things. like waving and crawling.

On March 20th, I drove myself back to the hospital because I had some bleeding issues and thought it was because of the blood thinners I was prescribed. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 days and had an acute stroke and was also diagnosed with GIBs.

After being in the hospital for 3 days, I was taken off the blood thinners and got the okay from my neurologist to go home. I was cleared to fly and work. I was finally able to start feeling ā€˜normalā€™ again.

At the end of April I moved to Hermosa Beach. I was ready to get back into work mode. I knew I was going to have major medical bills pouring in and had to face reality.

On May 10th, I went back to the ER for a TIA. I had a mini stroke and became disoriented and I was told this is part of the healing process.

Thankfully, I was released 8 hours later and have to prepare mentally that this is my life for the next 2 years.

Iā€™m not one to ask for help, however, I am overwhelmed by the hospital bills. I have over $30,000 of hospital bills that I need to pay out of pocket. Iā€™m happy insurance covered the $700,000+ of medical bills, however, the hospital needs their money. Fortunately, I make decent money, but 3 strokes and having a baby has dried up my rainy day fund.

I am looking for help to begin tackling the mound of medical bills. I Know everyone has their own bills to pay, but Iā€™m looking for a little help while I get back on my feet with work.

America - crowd-sourced supplemental health insurance.

I hadnā€™t seen this guy in person in maybe 5 years and didnā€™t know him all that well to begin with. But last year when I posted on FB that I needed a place to stay for a few weeks while my renter was still in my condo - he offered up his sweet ocean view crows nest apartment - no charge (ChrisV saw it actually). So now I get to return the favor somewhat.

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Yup family plans are crazy compared to singles. I pay $600 a year for a $2k deductible plan and would pay about $5500 for the family version of that. My wife and I are on separate plans because itā€™s cheaper then the employee+1 route

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You know what I pay?


I know America will catch up with the rest of the developed world (and some of the developing world) soon.

I was on my partners insurance up until a few months ago when she got a new job at a company that did not provide benefits to domestic partners. Which was fine, I just got a plan off of the exchange, no big deal. The thing that threw me off was that her cobra paperwork came in saying that it would cost $1800 a month to stay on the plan. Does that mean that her company was paying that much (pre-tax) for our insurance? How is it that expensive?

Yes thatā€™s what it means. She must have really good health insurance and work for a smallish company with no pricing leverage. Guessing she was paying about $600/month for the two of you?

Also Iā€™m fairly sure that she cant get Obamacare if sheā€™s eligible for COBRA. She has to pay that plan down for 18 months, then she can get Obamacare. Iā€™m not sure if that applies to domestic partners who were also covered.

How old are you and your partner? Our company is small and we pay about $550/mo for a 50 year old and $300 for a 25 year old, so age makes a huge difference in the companyā€™s premiums. We also cover 50% of dependents and that can add up quickly for people with 2+ dependents.

We used to offer a really good plan with a $250 deductible and $2,500 maximum OOP, but that plan price increased by 50% in 2018 so we had to change to an inferior plan while at the same time paying 10% more in premiums.

As a business owner nothing would make me happier than getting this whole health insurance responsibility out of our hands.

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You didnā€™t HAVE to. You decided youā€™d rather your employees take a hit to their wallet than you take a hit to yours.

Not every company and business owner is created the same. My business partner and I are salaried employers and all the profit the company makes is reinvested into the company. Because things are not going great right now business-wise my business partner went to zero salary this year and I reduced my salary by 20%.

So I guess weā€™re doing what we can.

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Such a shitty thing to say to a small business owner dude. Weā€™re trying to survive in this dystopian healthcare system too. And frankly weā€™re some of the biggest victims of the current system.

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