Healthcare USA #1

Then they tell us to skip the Starbucks and we’ll be fine financially.

They tell us to get less Starbucks because they know that dumb consumerism is eating them alive. They’re not trying to be ridiculous.

America is a fucking carnival scam where 5 people end up with all the money and everyone else dies in the streets. Get yours at all costs kill or be killed. I was born in the early 80s and my life philosophy is basically that everything is a scam until proven otherwise because that’s all I’ve ever known. If they wanna do it in the consumer electronics realm ok whatever but in things like healthcare it’s only a matter of time before someone snaps and goes full John Q. And instead of reevaluating the Fundamental Principle of Capital Leveraging Our Health Against Us, they’ll just install Blackwater forces at hospitals or some shit.


I love it when I get a bill for like $15 from the doctor and there’s literally no way to pay it without incurring a $3 “convenience fee” how the fuck is this legal


Why does the thread list say that there was a post ITT 3 hours ago?

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released an estimate of the cost of implementing a single-payer health insurance program in the United States. The CBO’s report is more exhaustive than any other recent study on the subject and concludes that replacing our current system with a single-payer system would insure every American while reducing overall health spending in the country.

The CBO option that most closely approximates current Medicare for All proposals is Option 3, which features low payment rates and low cost sharing. That option produces $650 billion of savings in 2030. Adding LTSS to that option, which also approximates what many current Medicare for All proposals does, looks like it would bring the savings down to around $300 billion.

Indeed, the CBO finds that the current Medicare administrative costs that are often touted by advocates are actually higher than the administrative costs you would expect in a single-payer system because a large share of those costs are tied up in tasks like eligibility determination and collection of Medicare Part B premiums that would no longer exist in a Medicare for All system.


The “No Shit” Office (NSO) also came to this conclusion.


Also the Office of You Don’t Say (OYDS) agreed with this conclusion.


Ha, my first reponses (by myself, out loud) were “no shit,” followed by “you don’t say.”


But what about the people whose job it is to deny your eligibility and harass you to pay?

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Don’t understand all the “no shit” posts when half the board vehemently disagreed a year ago. Happy to see that this is accepted fact since it was a huge point of contention from Bernie detractors who called his ideas pie in the sky. There are still Pete defenders on this board who think he is right to be against it.


Uh, no.

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Plenty of Warren people said Bernie didn’t have a plan. Plenty of Pete people called M4A pie in the sky.

Pete’s approval rating in this forum cratered when he started attacking M4A. So did Warren’s after she released her health care plan.

LOL “half the board”. Just absurdly false.


Word on the street is that Karen from next door likes her healthcare and doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. Imma start printing these reports on cover stock and carrying them with me to use as a club.

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Uhh, what? You have a very selective memory.

All of the Warren stans shit on Bernie relentlessly for ‘not having a plan’. That’s Alex, AllTheCheese, simplicitus. Wheatrich too.

Bobman equated progressives demanding M4A to right-wingers in the derposphere. Jman wrote a bunch of posts about how a Bernie plan would be unfair.

I don’t think it was accepted fact at all a year ago that M4A was a slam dunk cost savings.

This was a funny find though, 2 months after Biden said that he would veto it. I guess memory is a tough thing to figure out.

Neither of those critiques had to do with the relative cost savings of m4a vs other forms of healthcare, iirc.

I still think this is true.

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Funny how everything progressive he says “is an obvious lie” and just a politician saying what he needs to for positioning but everything non-progressive he says reflects his deep down core beliefs and should be taken as gospel.