Healthcare USA #1

It took me like 6 weeks to get ADD meds. This system is… well it’s overused but it’s Kafkaesque. I paid cash for significant chunks of it just to speed it up to get it that fast.

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Kafka don’t wanna be anywhere near that shit

Godddddddd I hate our healthcare system. I just got a call from a survey company on behalf of my health insurance to ask me like 8-10 questions about my call yesterday with the service center rating my level of satisfaction, “so they can improve their customer service quality.”

Bullshit, I know they’re just trying to fine tune it to maximize the level of dissatisfaction they can cause without losing customers, and I know my feedback is only feeding into the dystopian system we have… but it’s also some polite underpaid person on the other end of the line that’s going to get fired if their response rate is too low, so of course I just take it anyway.

Fuck. This. System.

Can’t have socialized healthcare. The wait times would be too long they say.

Instead I’m literally fearful of going to the doctor because I might get billed thousands of dollars because someone enters a code the wrong way. And that’s after paying thousands of dollars a year for this privilege.

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What the fuck is the point of urgent care if I have to make an appointment

Did you tell them it was urgent?


literal LOL

My mom goes in for a rather unexpected surgery tomorrow. It’s not great–they have to remove bone and probably do some reconstruction on her leg. She’s going to be laid up for months while it heals which means no holidays. The condition is rare and I’ve been trying to read papers to get up to speed. The part I’m struggling with is she has to enter the hospital alone and will likely be admitted for several days. No visitors. Silver linings: she’s handling it well, is generally healthy, and aged into Medicare this year. But seriously, fuck 2020.


No reconstruction required. That’s a good outcome and it should heal in time I guess. She’s doing well and finally got to go home.

New wrinkle though: she was prescribed an antibiotic for home infusion. Vendor guy told her it would cost about $150 per week for up to 6 weeks. Later, vendor lady showed up at the house and had her sign papers that clearly state she’s on the hook for almost $700 PER DAY. My question is WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT???


My wife works in the insurance industry (broker that helps out companies with their insurance). She really likes her coworkers, but found out one of them is a Trump voter. She talked to him a bit about it and one of his big reasons for voting for Trump was because he believes universal healthcare would put him out of a job.

Yeah, it very well might. My wife, too. But it would be one of the best things to happen in the history of this country. My wife can find another job.


Because people think it’ll never happen to them, their mom, etc. We only got the ACA through because enough people had been personally screwed to join forces with liberals.

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Yeah it might put them out of a job in 70-80 years.

A lot of people dont think this way. The system is thoroughly designed to get even people with ostensibly good middle or upper class jobs to consume at the level where they’re living paycheck to paycheck and losing their job will devastate them.


My sister and her husband both work in medical billing, she does coding of medical billing and he does consulting for some kind of company that has medical billing systems, basically goes into the doctors offices and stuff and helps them get the system setup and handles problems.

When we talked about universal healthcare a year ago this was definitely their issue, which I get, i wouldn’t neccesarily be advocating for something that would lose me my job but at the same time I didn’t get a job in an industry that only exists so that insurance companies can scam their customers/doctors.

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This bears repeating. Globally the savings rate is insanely high. This is because capital owners are constantly banking income streams, and those income streams are being relent to everyone else.

Most of our fellow citizens spend most of their lives in debt for stuff they already consumed. The stress that causes is large and makes even small threats to their livelihood seem apocalyptic. By the time you’re in your 30’s and making a decent living you’re generally desperate to get out of debt, buy a house, and start saving for retirement before it gets too late and you end up like your own parents whose retirement situation usually looks pretty bleak.

Speaking of the people in their 50’s-early 60’s retirement picture being bleak, one of the reasons why they won’t get out of the 30 year old’s way and just retire already is that they have 10 years left on the mortgage and less than 5 years of living expenses socked away. They’re never going to retire. They’ll get terminated or die perhaps but not retire.

This is very true. Most of then will be forced out, no gold watch.

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It’s both depressing and their own damn fault. Like, it sucks that you’re getting let go at 60 and don’t have enough saved to retire, but you’ve been working a steady job for 40 fucking years that paid you double the median household income. Where did all of it go?

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This is a huge part of what Dem messaging should be. Think an ad with the tone of the Ed Markey ad in the primary.

It used to be you got a job, you worked hard, and your company was loyal. You got promoted up the ranks with raises, they tried as hard as possible to keep you on in a recession, and at the end of it all you got a pension and a gold watch. One person made enough for a family of four. Now two breadwinners struggle to provide for a family, there’s no loyalty, there’s no pension, and there’s no gold watch.

That isn’t right. Americans don’t want more than they deserve, they just want what’s right. I’m John New Congressman, and I approved this message because I’m going to go fight for you - for more money, better healthcare, a safe retirement, and enough left over to buy your own damn watch - we all know you deserve it.


They participated in our culture and spent it all. They had to buy new SUV’s every 3 years, live in a house that cost 50-500k more than they could really afford, send their kids to private christian school, gamboled when they felt they were behind and got even more behind, ate a lot of overpriced food that was awful nutritionally, got sick and had huge medical bills that had to be pulled from retirement and the money they thought they were saving for their kids college, sent their kids to college and contributed 25% of what they thought they would to the overall cost, declared bankruptcy… and at 53 years old they are starting over from scratch or worse on retirement. So yeah they aren’t retiring.