Healthcare USA #1

Hoping no news is good news

Really concerned by the lack of a hobbes post. I hope everything went well and he’s just recovering and prioritizing his family and not thinking of updating his Internet friends.

I mean, it’s brain surgery. I would’ve been surprised to hear anything before next week. Not going to borrow trouble yet.


I thought he said it was relatively simple and he hoped to be out in 24-48 hours and back home. I took that to mean we’d hear in a few days, but hopefully you’re right and we’re still in the no news is good news window.

Hobbes here - I’m a little screwed up and logged on a dead google account because it seemed the only way for me to figure it out. Minor surgery. Heh. I REALLY need some help though. I can’t figure out my password since I speech is jacked up for a while and I had to log in any way except for google. If one of the admins could send me a ( with a password link to me It might help - for a weird reason any “w” screws me up for now. I’m really prefer to “onstuck”

So far so good - gloima, which is one on the bad spectrum, but there are worse, and they’re talking years not months, so that’s good. We’re going to Stanford in two weeks or so after swelling goes down - back at home, watching a NBA game and hope my speech gets better.

Thanks for the good thoughts. Life takes funny turns, I guess



Thinking of you and your wife.

Glad you’re doing better bud

Glad to hear the surgery went well, and hopefully they’re able to treat the glioma and you have many quality years ahead! Sounds like you’ll be getting the best medical care possible, hopefully your speech returns to normal soon!

Good to hear from you! Keep fighting and kicking ass.

Found a video of Hobbes trying to login to Unstuck:


Great news Hobbes

In case you haven’t seen this already:

(It starts with an “h” but It says I cant’ post links.)


less you all. means a lot



If you’re using this phrasing to refer to an internet password problem and not your health, that’s a good sign. Keep kicking ass, hobbes.



So @DavidS is a gimmick, huh? Who could have guessed.

Fitting that David got a green icon, of course. Glad to see you brought some potentially helpful info for hobbes!

I read that line and thought, “Oh shit.”

Then saw it was just for a password.

Good to hear that you’re doing well hobbes.

Hang in there hobbes - keep us posted!

good luck with the type and grade. How long until you get pathology results?

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First section with stanford is in about two weeks, probably with radiation and (notefully for a while at least) no surgery but one take at a time I guess. Sorry if I scared anyone, the only REALLY problem I’m happening is that my speech is really screwed all up and it makes a real pain for passwords, which like an idiot I didn’t all backup before the schedule. They stay it will improve with time and steroids, so I hope so.

Probably drop a note in a day or so - it’s good to be back, even tough I’m working in about 20% or so…



Great to hear. Hoping your recovery goes smoothly.