Healthcare USA #1

Just to be clear, we’re talking about a $14,000 mouth guard? A mandibular advancement device (MAD)?

Sure it costs $14000 after markup :sweat_smile:

Vote for me then? I’ll send all of them to Guantanamo.

To me that is insane for a dental appliance.

The medical device industry, though, is one of the biggest problems with the healthcare system.

I have a Cpap machine which is insanely expensive but my insurance company leases it for even a more insane price.

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That implied price is crazy town. Did she price shop it with different dentists? From what I can tell, Medicare allows about 10% of the price you’re implying and reimburses 80% for a reference point. They don’t always work and probably aren’t as good as CPAP. I’m assuming she already tried CPAP?

If her insurance is like mine, they made her try a CPAP first.

I think there is a loophole where CPAP can be contraindicated for some patients. But yeah, that’s what I’m getting at.

Yup. Tiny mouth + big tongue + tiny airway is more for the mouth thing than CPAP. I mean she isn’t heavy by any stretch. So it is T obesity related CPAP

Apparently her case is also not severe. So CPAP might be a bit much.

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USA #1

Ankle sprain?

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That yours?

What costs that much?


Great country

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What’s crazy is this is not equal amongst states. States vary in their laws allowing for things like garnishment. Garnishment from a civil judgment is not a thing in Texas for example. Either are non mechanical liens for non collateral.

Plus that payment plan sounds absurd for a medical bill. It could have easily been smaller payments over a longer period of time.

USA #1

I don’t know. Garnishment is not a thing in Texas except for government debt. So I am not too familiar but I also thought it was limited.

For Valisure’s scientists, finding NDMA in ranitidine was a particularly dramatic example of the kind of discovery they make routinely. Valisure checks the chemical makeup of drugs before it ships them to consumers, and rejects more than 10 percent of the batches because their tests detect contaminants, medicine that didn’t dissolve properly or pills that contain the wrong dose, among other issues. Since late 2018, Valisure has reported more than 50 problems directly to drug companies.

Lots of pretty disturbing information in this article about the pharmaceutical industry and oversight.

Good that Google can do that but I need a fucking fax machine to get my kid’s vaccination records.