Healthcare USA #1

One house, one spouse is not bad.
One house, zero spouse is almost certainly better.
Zero house, zero spouse might be better depending on certain factors.

And in all cases zero kids helps a ton.

Above only relates to financial success. Overall happiness is a different matter.

Oh yeah, I agree. But three spouses, three houses with two to the exes, +/- ex-kids and ex-dogs is a path to misery. And I see it a lot.


But even here it sounds like you’re talking about surgical procedures or some kind of non-surgical intervention to prevent imminent mortality. Those are events with outcomes that at least seem practically measurable in a reasonable time horizon.

What about diagnostic medicine though? Say you present with a primary complaint of insomnia, generalized anxiety, depression, weight gain, or something really common like that. There are plenty of underlying physical causes that can produce those symptoms, especially some endocrine and neurological disorders. How are we gonna call balls and strikes here when it’s not immediately clear the correct diagnosis has been made or that the treatment has been effective?

No house, no spouse, just souse

The way I read that advice was “one spouse, one house, but no limit on Maseratis.”

No house in Laos, one spouse to grouse, some scouse and souse, means no poorhouse.

I posted that against my better judgment, carry on.


Because they perceive health care as a human right, not as something to be bought and sold.

Until Americans believe that in large enough numbers, M4A will not happen.

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They’re so dumb, they could have just done a repeal and replace with the exact same fucking law and taken all the credit but instead they rolled out their AHCA dogshit and had a kegger when it passed the House.

‘’ * G * I’m assuming this thread is filled with posts by sissy socialists who think that America doesn’t give away enough free ponies. What don’t you understand liberias, America has the freest, highest-quality healthcare in America. 100% true fact! Now go die under a tree to of a preventable illness plebeian. This post is an obvious parody, no ban pls.

Round 2 of the colonoscopy/endoscopy I had. This time it’s just an endoscopy but still seems to be just as expensive if not more.

Hospital just called - they want their money up front. Hospital don’t play. Of course this is just for like the bed, equipment and nurses and stuff. $2500 or something but my insurance will cover it and my deductible is met. Yay! But I still have to pay 20%. Oh.

Physician and anesthesiologist bill separately because duh why wouldn’t they in a non-socialist country? And of course there’s Digestive Care Consultants the company that arranges all this. They get their cut too.

I asked about the previous trip - is that all taken care of now? I have no idea what I paid and what my insurance paid and who’s talking to who about what. She didn’t know. For some reason she can’t see that. They just know they don’t think I owe them any money.

I could spend a few hours and understand how the money flows around in all this but it doesn’t really seem worth the time and headache. God Bless the USA.


Is disability getting cut or something?

Bad: I’ve got nothing to add other than in college my appendix burst and it was easily the worst pain of my entire life. I’ve broken multiple bones including getting my elbow pushed the other way, which at the time I thought was the worst ever.

Beat: Full on burst that if my gf at the time (now wife) didn’t convince me to go to the infirmary I wouldn’t be here.

Variance: upon arrival to the ER got administered some morphine. Went from the worst pain of my life to being higher than I could ever imagine. Luckily didn’t get addicted to the Oxy they prescribed me after.

Yup, sweet healthcare system we got here. Sorry Suzzer, get better soon.

So my mother has sleep apnea and she’s getting some mouth thing to keep her airway open.

She’s paying $3,600.

Her insurance is paying the other 75 percent of the cost. She’s also a Trump supporter against MFA.

On the other hand in CR, it took me one day from scheduling an epileptologist appointment to seeing him. I got a 3 month supply of my 3 meds. Paid nothing out of pocket.

I’m sure spending five figures on health care per year is well worth preventing the wrong people from getting her tax dollars.


Your mom is simply paying the price of freedom, my friend!

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Say what now?

I have sleep apnea and just paid $2k out of pocket for a mouth guard a few months ago. I don’t know what the total cost was but I have pretty great insurance so I’m sure it was substantial.

Yup. That’s correct. Absolutely insane.

So weird to not have my mother show any anger about it. I guess it’s s perfectly acceptable to her to pay this much for some molded piece of plastic.