Healthcare USA #1


Yeah but I bet in Canada the richest people actually pay 29%. Here the richest people ā€œpayā€ 35%.

Somewhere I have the bill for my delivery in a small hospital in Wisconsin in 1955. $17.00 including an overnight stay.


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Rahm is trash



Why arenā€™t spoiled lazy millennials having kids?

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ā€œDonā€™t have kids until you can afford themā€

Millennials are taking that advice.


Iā€™m 34 and my wife is 29. No kids yet. Iā€™m comfortably in the top 1% of my age group for income and I donā€™t feel like we can afford kids yet. Iā€™ll admit to being a pretty big nit, but I think our situation is pretty telling. Itā€™s as much about being able to afford the time commitment to do it right as it is about money.

Iā€™ll admit that if in September 2018 I had a crystal ball we probably would have done it this year just because of all the unexpected free time.

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This advice is forever green. Itā€™s still also true that ā€œIf you wait for the perfect time to have a child, you will never have one.ā€

I agree to a point. I think the choice not to have kids up to this point is one of the primary causes of why weā€™re doing as well as weā€™re doing. I think our future kids will be drastically better off because of our choice to delay starting our family as long as possible.

A huge part of this is just that clawing your way out of poverty as a millennial is a 10+ year process.

Baby boomers are just the absolute worst.

Take advantage of a perfect storm of economic good fortune then selfishly rig the game even more in their own favor to the detriment of their kids. Then gaslight said kids by saying they should work harder and stop complaining, or something, while on a personal level using their hoarded riches to try to manipulate and control their childrenā€™s personal choices.

Fuck off, boomers. Hereā€™s to nobody being by your collective side as you die off.


They really are in for a rude awakening when they discover that the people who promised them a comfortable retirement were other Boomersā€¦ and that Boomers arenā€™t very good at keeping their commitments lol.

We certainly wonā€™t be bailing them out once weā€™re the largest voting block. If they want that money theyā€™re going to have to find it in the pockets of other Boomers. We donā€™t have any money lol.

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Iā€™m comfortably in the top 1% of my age group for income and I donā€™t feel like we can afford kids yet.

Cā€™mon now.

Deficits wonā€™t matter once we have to go into trillions of debt to pay for boomer medical care.

Donā€™t underestimate the importance of having energy when youā€™re young. Every year going forward you will be more tired than the last. Sure, money matters, and having time matters (though less; youā€™ll make time), but so does having the energy of youth.